我即将使用webRTC + socket.io + node.js建立一个视频会议系统,所以我已经读过这本书作为Simon Pietro Romano的与webRTC进行实时通信的起点,我已经读完了,我我将在100 Mbps本地网络上运行这个系统,所以我将使用网状网络拓扑,因为带宽在这里不是问题,我不想专注于此,我只是有一个关于与许多用户合作的简单问题,特别是在使用这些函数时:
I am about to build a videoconferencing system using webRTC+socket.io+node.js, so I have read this book as start point "Real Time communications with webRTC" by Simon Pietro Romano, I already finished reading it, I am gonna run this system over a 100 Mbps local network, so I am gonna use the mesh network topology since bandwidth is no an issue here, I don't wanna focus on this, I just have a simple question on working with many users, specifically on using these functions:
var pc // PeerConnection Object
pc.onaddstream = ...//for receiving stream from remote party
pc.setRemoteDescription()...//for setting .sdp file from remote party
I know I have to make a peer-to-peer connection on each peer, but Let's suppose that I have 3 users: A, B and C.
A将成为房间发起人,然后B加入房间,这里A向B发送报价并收到B的回答,A setRemoteDescription(answe rB)和B setRemoteDescription(offerA),但是当C加入房间时,A和B将成为它的发起者,所以它们都会向C发送报价,而C会向它们发送答案,这是我的困惑:
A is gonna be the room initiator, then B joins the room, here A sends an offer to B and receives an answer from B, A setRemoteDescription(answerB) and B setRemoteDescription(offerA), but when C joins the room, A and B will be its initiators, so both of them will be send offers to C, and C will send answers to them, here is my confusion:
当C首次收到来自A的报价时,这是C setRemoteDescription(offerA),但是当收到来自B的报价时,这是C setRemoteDescription(offerB),我正在设置一个新值在这里丢失之前的A报价,这个程序只是暂时的吗?,C不再需要A报价吗?我知道这个sdp文件只包含webbrowser媒体信息。我对onaddstream有同样的疑问,这个程序是否会自动从一个对等端然后从另一个对等端捕获流?第一个捕获B的流,第二个从C开始,当最后一个加入房间时?在捕获C时,A会丢失B的流吗? ?。
When C first receives offer from A, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerA), but when receiving offer from B, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerB), I am setting a new value here and losing the previous offer from A, is this procedure just temporary?, isn't C going to need the A offer anymore?, I know this sdp file just contains webbrowser media info. I have the same doubt with onaddstream, Does this procedure automatically catch stream from one peer and then from another peer?, A first catch B's stream and second from C when this last one joined the room?, Does A lose B's stream when catching C's?.
On the other hand, addIceCandidate just adds remote candidates to each peer, so a local peer have the remote peers routes, it never loses the remote peers routes, I think, Am I right?
I have found source code about webRTC videoconferencing and I have seen that onaddstream and setRemoteDescription are like temporary functions, once the connection between peers is set, those are not neccesary anymore, I don't know, maybe I am wrong.
你需要有一个对等连接( pc
You will need to have a peer connection (pc
) in your client side per each other participant, you will do something similar to:
socket.on('offer', function(from, data) {
users[from].pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data));
// create answer..
将包含每个房间参与者的条目,并引用其 pc
。您将为每个参与者添加远程描述到他们自己的 pc
Note that the Node server is sending the offer along with the id of the user who is sending it. Also, users
will contain an entry per room participant with a reference to its pc
. You will be adding the remote description for each participant to their own pc
There are plenty of examples in internet, mine is on http://github.com/jconde/euphony :)