我正在尝试在python上编写基本的键盘记录程序.我需要安装pywin32和pyhook模块.我设法安装了pywin32,但似乎无法pyhook正常工作.我已经读过它有可能使它在更高版本的python上工作,但似乎无法弄清楚.我已经尝试了.exe和.whl安装.在cmd中使用whl会导致错误,表明不支持滚轮.有没有人有解决方案在python 3.5上安装pyhook.谢谢
I am trying to write a basic keylogging program on python. I need to install the pywin32 and pyhook modules. I have managed to get pywin32 installed, but cannot seem to pyhook to work. I have read its possible to get it to work on later versions of python, but cannot seem to figure it out. I have tried both .exe and .whl installs. Using whl in cmd gives error that the wheel is not supported. Does anyone have a solution to install pyhook on python 3.5. Thanks
This is how I did it...
从此处下载与您的python版本匹配的py hook模块. 请确保如果您使用的是32位python,则下载32位模块(即使您使用的是Windows 64x),反之亦然.
Open your command prompt and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the module
输入"pip install",然后输入文件名.
Type "pip install " and then the name of the file.
例如:"pip install pyHook-1.5.1-cp27-none-win32.whl"
Ex: "pip install pyHook-1.5.1-cp27-none-win32.whl"
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