I am quite happy to code out tables by hand when making a database but it's not the easiest way to convey information about a database to someone else, especially someone that's not so comfortable coding the tables via a script and would instead use something such at phpMyAdmin.
Is there thus a free program (for me to use it it'll have to work on a Mac but feel free to suggest PC apps for others with the same Q) or script (preferably in PHP or Python) that allows you to design database structure and will then output either a basic diagram or the code as chosen by the user?
在PC上,您可以使用 MS Visio 生成 DB实体图。
Well on the PC you can use MS Visio to produce a DB Entity diagram.
It will even reverse engineer one from an existing Database.
第一次使用时很难设置, 。
A pain to set-up the first time you use it, but quite handy thereafter.