本文介绍了最佳 3D Java 引擎的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


正在寻找一个易于使用的 3D Java 引擎 API(即不是包装器),它具有良好的社区和良好的开发.额外的功能(即音频、输入等)不是必需的,但很好.

Looking for an easy to use 3D Java Engine API (i.e. not wrapper) that has a good community and good development. Extra features (i.e. audio, input, etc.) are not necessary but nice.

我发现的最流行的 Java 3D 图形 API 列表:

List of the most popular Java 3D graphics APIs I found:


  • JOGL - 强大的社区/良好的支持/活跃
  • Java3D - 废弃(或慢慢消亡),逐步淘汰场景图(或重新工具到 JavaFX 中?)
  • lwjgl - Open GL 包装器,具有音频和输入处理/主动
  • JOGL - Strong community / Good support / Active
  • Java3D - Abandoned (or slowly dying), phased out Scene Graph (or re-tooling into JavaFX?)
  • lwjgl - Open GL wrapper, with audio and input handling / Active


jMonkey 引擎 - 维基百科 - 活动

  • 在 3.0 和 2.0 版本之间进行分支(可能会损害社区)

ogre4j - 维基百科 - 活跃

  • Parent project OGRE - Active - C++

Bindenlicht - 没有维基百科!- 未激活

  • Parent project Irrlicht - Wikipedia - Active - C++


  • 处理 - 似乎不适合游戏,但适合图形可视化和演示
  • Jzy3d - 用于 3d 图表(表面、散点图、条形图等)的易于使用的 Java API.建立在 JOGL 之上
  • Processing - Doesn't seem suited for gaming but for graphics visualizations and demos
  • Jzy3d - An easy to use Java API for 3d charts (surfaces, scatters, bar charts, etc). Built on top of JOGL

更新:请选择一个 JAVA 引擎并解释为什么选择它!谢谢!

Update: Please pick a JAVA engine and explain why its your choice! Thanks!


我会看看 Ardor3D,然后再看看 JMonkeyEngine.

I would look at Ardor3D and have another look at JMonkeyEngine.

更新: Ardor3D 的开发人员 停止项目,但它的一个子集继续存在

UPDATE: Ardor3D's developer ceased the project, but a subset of it continues to exist

由最初的 JMonkeyEngine 开发人员创建,他们认为需要彻底打破,以便他们可以重新开始并利用获得的所有经验来创建更好的 API 和平台.

Created by the original JMonkeyEngine developer(s) who decided a clean break was required so they could start over and use all the experience gained to create a better API and platform.

我认识的使用过 Ardor3D 的人对其设计和 API 有非常积极的评价.它得到了积极维护,并拥有良好的社区和良好的 API 文档,尽管教程供应有点短缺,而且通常您必须熟悉 3D 编程概念才能掌握它.

The people I know who have used Ardor3D have very positive things to say about its design and API. It is actively maintained and has a good community and good API documentation, although tutorials are a little short in supply and generally you'll have to be familiar with 3D programming concepts to be able to pick it up.

社区主导的对 JMonkeyEngine 2 的重写,由于对 JME2 设计的不满以及由该设计引起的相关问题,它自发布以来不断发展壮大.

A community-led rewrite of JMonkeyEngine 2, driven by dissatisfaction with JME2 design and related issues caused by said design, it has gone from strength to strength since its release.

有大量的文档,包括教程和大量使用它的项目.如果您在使用 JMonkeyEngine 2 或更早版本时遇到问题,那么值得再看看版本 3.

There is ample documentation including tutorials and plenty of projects using it. If you had issues with JMonkeyEngine 2 or earlier, it is well worth another look at version 3.

这篇关于最佳 3D Java 引擎的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-04 23:49