

我正在使用 MySQL .net 连接器 和实体框架 4.1,并尝试创建最基本的代码优先实现.

I am using MySQL .net connector and Entity Frame work 4.1 and trying to create the most basic of code-first implementations.

public class myDB: DbContext
    public DbSet<Vote> Votes { get; set; }


public class Vote
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public int Value { get; set; }


public class HomeController : Controller
    myDB_db = new myDB();
    public ActionResult Index()
        var model = _db.Votes;
        return View(model);


my strongly typed view (using List scaffold)

@model IEnumerable<Namespace.Models.Vote>

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


    @Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")
            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Value)

    @foreach (var item in Model) {
            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Value)
            @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.Id }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.Id }) |
            @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.Id })


它在 mySQL 中创建了具有所有正确属性的表 'votes'.

It creates the table 'votes' in mySQL with all the right properties.



@foreach (var item in Model)


表 'mydb.vote' 不存在"

澄清一下,我实际上想要表复数,它似乎正确地创建了表.我希望找出单数/复数差异的原因.来自 microsoft/Plural Sight/scott gu 的教程和视频都没有使用 mysql 处理,所以我不得不想象 .netconnector 可能是罪魁祸首.我还想避免使用 [Table("Votes")] 属性.基本上,我希望尽可能多的开箱即用"解决方案.

edit:To clarify, I actually want table pluralization, and it seems to properly create the table. I'm hoping to discover the reason for the singular/plural discrepancy. None of the tutorials and videos from microsoft / Plural Sight / scott gu handle using mysql, so i have to imagine that the .netconnector might be the culprit. I would also like to avoid using the [Table("Votes")] attributes. Basically I'm hoping for as much of an 'out of the box' solution as possible.

edit2(一些更相关的代码):当我删除这个...表格无法一起创建.但该视图抛出异常,寻找投票"而不是投票".在 global.asax 内

edit2 (some more relevant code):when i remove this...tables fail to create all together.but the view throws an exception looking for 'votes' not 'vote'.within global.asax

protected void Application_Start()
     Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<myDB>());


public class myDBInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<myDB>
    protected override void Seed(myDBcontext)


所以我放弃了尝试按照我认为应该做的方式去做,并一起删除复数形式.我不确定,但我认为问题与 mysql .net 连接器对 EF 的支持有关.这就是我所做的.

So I gave up on trying to do it the way I felt it should be done and removed pluralization all together. I don't really know for certain, but I assume the problem has to do with the mysql .net connector's support of EF. Here is what I did.

首先,我的 ApplicationStart 方法中有一个错误:

First, there was a bug in my ApplicationStart method:

//Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<myDB>());
Database.SetInitializer(new myDBInitializer());

其次,我停止调用原始代码中未列出的 OnModelCreating 基础实现,因为我只是按照 jgauffin 的建议实现了它:

Second, I stopped calling the OnModelCreating base implementation which is not listed in the original code since I only implemented it as per jgauffin's suggestion:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

第三,我在一些帖子中读到 MySQL .net 连接器不允许 EF 实际上创建数据库,所以我最初创建了空白数据库.连接器 6.4.4+ 似乎不再是这种情况,只要您的连接字符串的用户有能力创建新数据库,如果最初不存在,它会更好地工作.

Third, I read in some posts that the MySQL .net Connector doesn't let EF actually CREATE a database, so I had initially created the blank DB. This seems to no longer be the case with connector 6.4.4+, and as long as your connection string's user has the ability to create new databases, it works better if one is not existing initially.


Once, I did all of the above, it seemed to work. So now I can at least move forward. Hopefully we can figure out the cause of the plural / singular discrepancy in the future.


Thanks to everyone for their time and effort.


08-30 03:26