长期使用Windows Mail(Vista32).我在导入的文件夹"下有50多个子文件夹,并且每一个都包含很多电子邮件.
Been using windows mail (Vista32) for long time. I have 50+ sub-folders under "Imported Folders" and each one of these contains many, many email messages.
一切正常,直到10/31/10发生了什么事,现在导入的文件夹"中的每个子文件夹都出现了.受了影响.收件箱,已发送,已删除,联系人都可以,只有导入的文件夹"下的邮件受影响的人.在WM中, 消息在那里-发件人,主题,日期,附件等都显示在消息窗格中.甚至大小都会列出,并且看起来正确.但是预览窗格中的任何消息都没有.每一封邮件 为空,并且发件人:收件人:"和主题:"在预览窗格中全部为空白.
All was fine until 10/31/10 when something happened and now every sub-folder in the "Imported Folder" was affected. Inbox, Sent, Deleted, Contacts are all fine, it is only the messages under "Imported Folders" that were affected. In WM it appears that the messages are there - the From, Subject, Date, Attachments, etc all appear in the message pane. Even the Size is listed and looks correct. But there is NOTHING in any of the messages in the preview pane. Every single message is empty and the From: To: and Subject: are all BLANK in the preview pane.
如果我导航到商店目录并查看每条.eml邮件的大小,它们都说0kb,并且都标有日期为10/31/10 2:19 pm(请稍等一会).因此看起来当时有些东西消失了.
If I navigate to my store directory and look at the size of each .eml message, they all say 0kb and all are dated 10/31/10 2:19pm (give or take a minute). So it looks like something wiped out the content at that time.
如果我将整个Windows Mail文件夹复制到另一个位置,则复制过程中的大小将显示为约89mb,这对于我原来的文件夹中的2,000多个消息和附件来说似乎是合理的.所以这看起来像内容是 仍然在那里-某个地方.
If I COPY the entire Windows Mail folder to another location, the size during copy shows up as about 89mb which seems reasonable for the 2,000 plus messages and attachments that were in my original folder. So this makes it look like the content is still there - somewhere.
But after copying, if I navigate to the new location and look at the size of all the .eml files they are all still 0kb just like the original.
不,没有备份可用.我刚刚将来自其他PC的3个不同的电子邮件帐户合并到了这个新帐户中,还没有备份新帐户.我汇总了所有数据,并于10/30/10在WM中工作,并验证了我所有 子文件夹完整无缺且正确.在10/31/10问题消失之前还没有机会备份.
And NO, there is no backup available. I had just combined 3 different email accounts from other PC's into this one new account and had not yet backed up the new one. I got all my data combined and working in WM on 10/30/10 and verified all my sub-folders were in-tact and correct. Had not yet had a chance to backup before 10/31/10 problem where it all disappeared.
在这段时间内可能发生的唯一变化是,我将注册表设置为在关机时清除页面文件.但我看不出这与驱动器上的物理数据有什么关系???我对自己的所作所为并不乐观 在这个时间段内.
The only thing that may have changed in this time period was that I had set the registry to clear the Page File on shutdown. But I don't see how that should have anything to do with physical data on the drive??? And I'm not positive that I did that in this time period.
Is there any way to try and recover the content of my .eml messages ????
谢谢您的发帖!我建议将您的问题发布到其中之一 Windows > Windows论坛 > Windows Vista论坛 > 文件,文件夹和搜索 位于以下位置: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-us/vistafiles/threads
Thank you for your post! I would suggest posting your question in one of theWindows >Windows Forums> Windows Vista Forums> Files, Folders, and Search located here: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-us/vistafiles/threads
这篇关于Vista32:Windows Mail:突然我所有的.eml消息都为0kb,没有任何信息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!