我们目前正在使用旧的iText 2.1.7版本,但正在评估itextpdf 5.5.0。
填写2.1.7(Stamper / setField等)表格时没有任何问题。
我在LibreOffice和Quartz PDF之间看到的主要区别是所有字体都嵌入在Quartz生成的PDF中。 LibreOffice无法做到这一点。
We are currently using the old iText 2.1.7 version but are evaluating itextpdf 5.5.0.
We have PDF forms created in Libreoffice and also in Quartz (on Mac).
There are no problems whatsoever when filling out the forms in 2.1.7 (Stamper/setField etc.).
With 5.5.0 however the forms made in Quartz work fine, but the forms made in Libreoffice do not.
Basically: With FormFlattening(false) the data appears in the final document(as well as the fields), but with FormFlattening(true) the data (and the fields) are empty.
The main difference I see between the LibreOffice and Quartz PDF is that all fonts are embedded in the Quartz generated PDF. This is not possible with LibreOffice.
Could this be the problem? And if so, why does 2.1.7 work?
Thanks in advance,
如果 af
是您的 AcroFields
If af
is your AcroFields
instance, try to do
PDF规范定义一个 NeedAppearances 标志,参见表218 - 交互式表单字典中的条目。如果设置为 true ,则PDF查看器知道必须为表单字段创建外观流。
The PDF specification ISO 32000-1 defines a NeedAppearances flag, cf. Table 218 – Entries in the interactive form dictionary. If it is set to true, a PDF viewer knows that it has to create appearance streams for form fields.
旧iText版本忽略该标志在表单填写期间完全且始终创建外观流。如果标志不是 true ,那么较新的iText版本会尊重该标志并仅在填写表单时创建外观流(在另一种情况下,查看器将重新创建此类外观)。
Old iText versions ignored that flag completely and always created appearance streams during form fill-in. Newer iText versions respect that flag and only create appearance streams while filling in forms if the flag is not true (in the other case the viewer will re-create such appearances anyways).
When flattening forms, iText simply embeds the appearances of the form elements into the page content. If no appearance stream was created for some field during fill-in, therefore, the value will not appear in the flattened document.
使用 setGenerateAppearances( true)
Using setGenerateAppearances(true)
you can enforce appearance stream generation.
这篇关于iText 5.5无法填写表格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!