Is there any idea, how I can find the version of my Rscript?The issue is, once I am running R in mac terminal, the version is 3.2.2 but running via Rscript the version is changed to 3.0.2. I would like to know how to update my Rscript's version!
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当我将Mac升级到macOS 10.12(Sierra)后将R升级到3.4.0版本时,rJava出现了一些问题.在搜索解决方案时,我还注意到在GUI和终端上显示的R版本号有所不同.我不太确定那是什么问题,但是我的解决方案的一部分是完全卸载R (请注意有关使用which R
When I upgraded R to version 3.4.0 after upgrading my Mac to macOS 10.12 (Sierra) I had some problems with rJava. While I searched for a solution, I also noticed that the R version numbers displayed in the GUI and the terminal differed. I am not quite sure what that problem was, but part of my solution was to completely uninstall R (note the comments about using which R