我正在使用一个类库来生成一个大的 ImageSource,> 3000x3750 像素.我想将此 ImageSource 转换为 BitmapImage,以便我可以利用 DecodePixelWidth 或 DecodePixelHeight 而不是每次生成此图像时都调整它的大小.
I'm using a class library that generates a large ImageSource, > 3000x3750 pixels. I would like to convert this ImageSource to BitmapImage so that I can take advantage of DecodePixelWidth or DecodePixelHeight instead of resizing it everytime this image is generated.
我需要先为用户显示这个图像,大多数用户的屏幕分辨率为 1024x768,为此我将这个 ImageSource 绑定到一个 Image 控件,但可以注意到它是多么重".
I need to display this image for the user first, and most of the users have a screen resolution of 1024x768, I'm binding this ImageSource to an Image control for this, but it can be noticed how "heavy" it is.
How can I do this? Or what is the best solution for this case?
I know it's a old post, but try doing:
myBitmapImage = myImageSource as BitmapImage;
这篇关于将 ImageSource 转换为 BitmapImage - WPF的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!