您好b $ b $
MilliSeconds的时间 - 522; --- PageLoadingTime - 65005
在Css中有单个css文件of 127kb
第二个障碍我看到它的ervation 3个请求所有js nad cs文件,其中2个作为401响应,0,16作为体长,而第三个来了200个具有适当的内容长度
I have developed an hosted addin which queries the list in rootsite and display in the html.
The problem is that for the first time it takes a long time to load and after that it is pretty fast.This keeps on happening randomly all over the day.
I have put timer to note the time in the code and what I observe from timer and fiddler is as below
Time in MilliSeconds-- 522;---PageLoadingTime--65005
522 is my code execution time while 65005 is the page load time (this includes code execution time also).It takes almost another extra 60 second to authenticate which I see from fiddler
So over all it is more than 2 min and this is pretty long time to load.However,Once the app is loaded in browser then you refresh or close the browser and load the page again it takes less than 2 sec.This behavior of faster laoding remains same for some time like few hours then again it takes 2 minutes to load and the behavior circle continues
Can anyone let me know why is it happening and how can I fix this.
I am already running a warmup script every morning but why there is this unusual behavior of app but nothing happens with this since the behavior randomly keeps on appearing whole day
All Js files are getting laoded from local and the files are jquery,bootstrap,init,MicrosoftAjax,runtime,sp.js, one custom js file of 12Kb
In Css there is single css file of 127kb
All the above files,only, are loaded in app, so what I observed more from fiddler is that first time it tries to request these files then they long time to load since each file has actual body content length,even creating the contextinfo object takes almost 15sec but from next time the files which it loads has contentlength of 16 and it seems they are not being sent by server
Second observation which I saw it sents 3 request for all js nad cs files in which 2 of them comes as 401 response with 0,16 as body length while third one comes has 200 with proper content length
Can anyone let me know how to increase the performance of this addin