

我正在用Stanford NER(不是StanfordParserStandfordPOSTagger)和Stanford NER(不是StanfordParserStandfordPOSTagger)搜索GATE(文本工程通用体系结构).我在此处找到了一些有关插件的信息.但是我找不到默认情况下将它与GATE(版本8)集成的情况.我也尝试找到下载插件的链接,但找不到...

I'm searching a Stanford_CoreNLP plugin with Stanford NER(not StanfordParser or StandfordPOSTagger) for GATE (General Architecture for Text Engineering). I found some information about the plugin here. But I couldn't find it integrated with GATE (version 8) by default. I also tried to find a link to download the plugin, but couldn't find...


Does anyone has a clue about how to activate it or from where to download it?




As Jon mentioned, somehow the Stanford_CoreNLP plugin was left out of the most recent release package of GATE. However, it is included in the daily snapshots built by their Jenkins server. You can download those here:

http://jenkins.gate.ac.uk/job/GATE -Nightly/lastSuccessfulBuild/

不幸的是,GATE插件中没有用于Stanford NER的预构建.gapp文件.这意味着它不像加载要在GATE中运行Stanford NER的应用程序文件那样简单-涉及的配置要多得多.您也许可以构建自己的自定义.gapp文件,但与此同时,斯坦福NER插件的源代码中的NER.java文件将帮助您开始在GATE中运行它.

Unfortunately, there is no pre-built .gapp file for Stanford NER included with the GATE plugin. This means it isn't as simple as loading an application file to run Stanford NER inside GATE -- there's quite a bit more configuration involved. You might be able to build a custom .gapp file of your own, but in the meantime, the NER.java file in the source code for the Stanford NER plugin will help you get started running it inside GATE:



08-19 18:28