


I have the same kind of problem described in this topic:Using fzero: Undefined function or method 'isfinite' for input arguments of type 'sym'


Their answers really helped me, but I am still stuck.


I also have to find the zeros of a function of w, this function is defined in several steps:


So the only unknown is w, and I defined other objects such as:

lambda= @(w) ((16*rho(i)*A(i)*w^2*Lprime(i)^2)/(E(j)*I(i)))^0.25;

beta=@(w) lambda*b(i)^0.5;

gamma=@(w) lambda*Lprime(i)^0.5;

然后,我定义一个4 * 4矩阵M2:

Then, I define a 4*4 matrix M2:

M2=@(w) [besselj(4,beta) bessely(4,beta) besseli(4,beta) besselk(4,beta);
               besselj(3,beta) bessely(3,beta) besseli(3,beta) -besselk(3,beta);
               besselj(2,gamma) bessely(2,gamma) besseli(2,gamma) besselk(2,gamma);
               besselj(4,gamma) bessely(4,gamma) besseli(4,gamma) besselk(4,gamma)];

则要求解的方程是:det(M2)= 0.但是w = 0是解决方案之一,我想要第一个非零解决方案,所以我写道:

Then the equation to be solved is: det(M2)=0. But w=0 is one of the solutions, and I want the first non-zero solution, so I wrote:

delta = @(w) det(M2);



Then I run the program, and Matlab says:

??? Error using ==> fzero at 235
FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(w)det(M2)
failed with the error below.

Undefined function or method 'det' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.

Error in ==> frequencies at 57


I also tried with the subs and the eval methods, and they don't work either, the error messages are in those cases:

??? Undefined function or method 'isfinite' for input arguments of type 'sym'.

Error in ==> fzero at 323
    elseif ~isfinite(fx) || ~isreal(fx)

Error in ==> frequencies at 58
    S(i,j)=fzero(@(w) subs(delta,'w',w),500);


Which is the same error as edio's I guess. And:

??? Error using ==> fzero at 307
FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(w)eval(delta)
failed with the error below.

Undefined function or method 'eval' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.

Error in ==> frequencies at 59




Your problem appears to be that you are never evaluating your anonymous functions when you place them within other anonymous functions. For example, you define the function lambda as such:

lambda = @(w) ((16*rho(i)*A(i)*w^2*Lprime(i)^2)/(E(j)*I(i)))^0.25;


But when you use it in beta, you need to evaluate it using the input value for w, like so:

beta = @(w) lambda(w)*b(i)^0.5;
                %# ^--------------Pass w to lambda to evaluate the function


As such, I believe your other anonymous functions should be defined as follows:

gamma = @(w) lambda(w)*Lprime(i)^0.5;

M2 = @(w) [besselj(4,beta(w)) bessely(4,beta(w)) besseli(4,beta(w)) ...
           besselk(4,beta(w)); ...
           besselj(3,beta(w)) bessely(3,beta(w)) besseli(3,beta(w)) ...
           -besselk(3,beta(w)); ...
           besselj(2,gamma(w)) bessely(2,gamma(w)) besseli(2,gamma(w)) ...
           besselk(2,gamma(w)); ...
           besselj(4,gamma(w)) bessely(4,gamma(w)) besseli(4,gamma(w)) ...

delta = @(w) det(M2(w));

我在这里注意到一个 GLARING 效率问题.通过使用匿名函数代替任何其他类型的函数(主要功能嵌套函数,或子函数),您将最终多次评估具有相同输入的相同函数.

There is a GLARING efficiency problem I'm noticing here. By using anonymous functions instead of any other type of function (primary functions, nested functions, or subfunctions) you are going to end up evaluating the same function with the same input multiple times over.


For example, each time you evaluate M2 to create your matrix you will be evaluating both beta and gamma 8 times with the same input! Notice the improvement you could make by placing M2 in a function and passing as input w and the two function handles beta and gamma:

function newMatrix = M2(w,betaFcn,gammaFcn)

  bw = betaFcn(w);   %# Evaluate the beta function once
  gw = gammaFcn(w);  %# Evaluate the gamma function once
  newMatrix = [besselj(4,bw) bessely(4,bw) besseli(4,bw) besselk(4,bw); ...
               besselj(3,bw) bessely(3,bw) besseli(3,bw) -besselk(3,bw); ...
               besselj(2,gw) bessely(2,gw) besseli(2,gw) besselk(2,gw); ...
               besselj(4,gw) bessely(4,gw) besseli(4,gw) besselk(4,gw)];



delta = @(w) det(M2(w,beta,gamma));


08-04 02:36