我正在尝试找出为最后一步调用 super() 的重写方法编写单元测试的最佳方法.基本上,我想在基类中使用参数之前对其进行按摩.
I'm trying to figure out the best way of writing a unit test for an overridden method which calls super() as the last step. Basically, I want to massage parameters before they're used in the base class.
public JobExecution run(Job job, JobParameters passedParams)
throws JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException {
JobParameters launchParameters;
if(passedParams.isEmpty()) {
launchParameters = jobParameterSetter.getJobParameters();
} else {
launchParameters = passedParams;
return super.run(job, launchParameters);
归根结底是我找不到检查最终 super.run() 调用中的参数的接缝,这就是我想要测试的全部内容.基类有几个依赖项,真的没有必要测试那个类(更不用说更多的工作了).
What it comes down to is that I can't find a seam to check the parameters that are in the eventual super.run() call, which is all I want to test. The base class has several dependencies, and it's really not necessary to test that class (not to mention a lot more work).
Composition 是一种解决方案,但它是一个相当复杂的基类,我需要公开整个内容,同时只覆盖几个方法.
Composition is a solution, but it's a fairly complicated base class and I need to expose the whole thing while only overriding a couple of methods.
我也在考虑伪造用于测试的基类,这很简单,但我不确定如何更改类路径来运行单元测试(Eclipse 用于单个测试;Maven 用于构建测试——也许一个问题?).
I'm also considering faking the base class for testing, which is simple enough, but I'm not sure how to change the classpath just for running the unit test (Eclipse for single tests; Maven for build testing -- maybe a question on its own?).
I have to imagine this has already been asked, but I can't find an exact match.
看来您要测试的逻辑是 if-else
流程,而不是对基类的调用.我将通过创建一个名为 getLaunchParameters(JobParameters jobParameters)
It seems that the logic you are wanting to test is the if-else
flow, and NOT the call to the base class. I would do this by creating a protected method called getLaunchParameters(JobParameters jobParameters)
, which does the bit of logic you are interested in testing.
This way, the logic you want tested is tested, the logic you are not interested in testing is not tested, and you have broken out a piece of code that may be able to be used else where in the future.
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