


I'm using a Git repository for everything related to a website I'm developing. The repository holds all files related to the site, including documentation, mockups, original layered images, etc. as well as the web root stuff that I've put in a www subdirectory.

我正要开始集成已选择与项目的其余部分一起使用的CMS; CMS是一个开源项目,也由Git管理(如果重要的话,托管在GitHub上).显然,CMS必须位于www子目录中,但它不是唯一的东西–会有CSS文件,图像,CMS的模板等,因此,我选择使用子树合并策略将外部项目添加到我的存储库.因为我可能在某个时候想修改原始项目并回馈更改,所以我从GitHub克隆了CMS存储库,并从克隆中完成了子树合并.

I'm at the point where I want to start integrating the CMS I've chosen to use with the rest of the project; the CMS is an open source project that's also managed with Git (and hosted on GitHub, if that matters). Obviously the CMS needs to be in the www subdirectory, but it won't be the only thing in there--there'll be CSS files, images, templates for the CMS, etc., etc. Because of this, I've chosen to use the subtree merge strategy to add the external project to my repository. Because I may at some point want to modify the original project, and contribute changes back, I've cloned the CMS repository from GitHub and done the subtree merge from my clone.


The trouble is, the external project (i.e. for the CMS) has submodules that I want to include. What's the best way to make sure the submodules are integrated into the main project? Do I have to do a subtree merge for each submodule?


I'm not likely to want to modify the submodules, but it's possible there'd be one or two that I would.


Git 子模块包含另一个项目的特定结帐,并且不会自动保持最新状态.因此,处理CMS子模块的最简单方法可能是跟踪它们来自远程分支的存储库.这样,您可以随时了解子模块来自的项目的更改.

Git submodules contain a particular checkout of another project, and aren't automatically kept current. So the easiest way to handle your CMS's submodules may be to track the repos that they came from as remote branches. That way you can stay informed about changes to the projects that the submodules came from.

使用子树合并会使将更改提交回CMS项目变得更加复杂(也许 finicky 是正确的词);如果您希望将许多更改提交回去,则可以编写脚本.

Using the subtree merge makes it more complicated (perhaps finicky is the right word) to submit changes back to the CMS project; perhaps it could be scripted if you expect to submit many changes back.


08-03 18:25