


I hit this error and found no hits for the error message, so I thought I'd share the solution I came up with to save anyone else facing the problem repeating my work.


When writing a new Android library (apklib) for use in a (large) application, I'm getting the following error during dexing when I add my new project as a dependency:


The particular build step it fails on is:

java -jar $ANDROID_SDK/build-tools/19.0.3/lib/dx.jar --dex \
--output=$PROJECT_HOME/target/classes.dex \
<... long list of apklib and jar dependencies elided ...>


Using --multi-dex as recommended by the error message might be a solution, but I'm not the owner of the application project and it already has a large complex build process that I would hesitate to change regardless.

我可以使用没有字段的无操作测试库项目来重现此问题,但是在错误输出中,它被列为具有6000多个字段.在错误输出中列出的程序包中,有少数具有相似的6k +字段计数,但随后绝大多数的< 1k字段计数似乎更合理.

I can reproduce this problem with a no-op test library project that has literally no fields, but in the error output it's listed as having 6000+ fields. Of the packages listed in the error output, there are a handful with similar 6k+ field counts, but then the vast majority have more plausible <1k field counts.

此问题类似于 Facebook著名地黑客入侵了. FB解决方案似乎很疯狂,而且是我找到的唯一其他解决方案(例如,此Android错误凭单或此 a>,此SO答案这个其他答案)都涉及更改主应用程序的代码,这超出了我想做的范围.

This problem is similar to the "Too many methods" problem that Facebook famously hacked their way around. The FB solution seems insane, and the only other solutions I've found (e.g., this Android bug ticket, or this one, this SO answer, this other SO answer) all involve changing the main app's code which is well beyond the scope of what I want to do.



解决方案是更改 package ,以匹配主应用程序的包.

The solution was to change the package in the AndroidManifest to match the main application's package.


<manifest package="com.example.testlibrary" ...

导致6k +个字段,并且构建失败.对其进行更改以匹配主应用程序的程序包

resulted in 6k+ fields and build failure. Changing it to match the main application's package

<manifest package="com.example.mainapplication" ...



Note that only the package in the manifest is changing, I did not make any changes to the library's Java source or its layout (the Java package was still com.example.testlibrary with directory structure to match).

我假设不同的程序包名称导致所有Android字段再次包含在该程序包下.错误列表中具有6k +字段的所有软件包的软件包名称都与主应用程序不同.

I hypothesize that the different package name is causing all the Android fields to be included again under that package. All the packages in the error listing with 6k+ fields had a different package name than the main application.


I also (later, grr), found this blog post which details the same problem and the eventual same solution.


07-23 04:59