本文介绍了未找到 Spring Web Flow 验证器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Spring Web Flow 中进行表单验证.为此,我使用了一个以模型命名的验证器类.就像文档中所说的那样.验证器被实例化为一个 bean,但在验证过程中永远不会被调用.关于这个问题的任何指示?

I am trying to do form validation in Spring Web Flow. For this I am using a validator class, which is named after the model. Just like it is stated in the documentation.The validator gets instantiated as a bean but is never called during validation. Any pointers on that issue?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flow xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow"
      xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow/spring-webflow-2.4.xsd">

    <view-state id="createTotpKeyView" view="/templates/totp/create/create" model="key">
            <evaluate expression="createTotpKeyAction"/>
        <transition on="submit" to="successfullyCreated" bind="true" validate="true"/>

    <end-state id="successfullyCreated" view="/templates/totp/create/success"/>


This is the action that is called in the view-state.


public class CreateTotpKeyAction implements Action
    String uid = "random";

    public Event execute(RequestContext context) throws Exception
            // Create a TOTP key and put it in the view scope
            TOTPKey totpKey = client.createTotpKeyForUid(uid, null);
            context.getViewScope().put("key", totpKey);

            return new Event(this, "success");
        catch (Exception e)
            log.error("Error while creating TOTP key for user: " + uid + ".\n" + e.getMessage());
            // Put response message in flash scope to show it once
            context.getFlashScope().put("fetchingError", true);
            return new Event(this, "error");

这是我尝试使用的验证器.EDIT 重命名以匹配文档.

This is the validator I am trying to use. EDIT renamed to match documentation.


public class KeyValidator

    public void validateCreateTotpKeyView(TOTPKey key, ValidationContext context)
        System.out.println("VALIDATE VIEW STATE");

    public void validate(TOTPKey key, ValidationContext context)
        System.out.println("DEFAULT VALIDATE");

我还尝试了不同的命名方案,例如 TOTPKeyValidatorTotpKeyValidator.他们都没有工作.

I also tried different naming schemes such as TOTPKeyValidator or TotpKeyValidator. None of them worked.

唯一有效的是在 TOTPKey 类中创建验证方法,但我不想使用这种方法.

The only thing that is working, is creating a validation method in the TOTPKey class, but I don't want to use that approach.


In addition this is the log file produced during the attempted validation


Mapping request with URI '/totp/create' to flow with id 'totp/create'
Resuming flow execution with key 'e5s1
Locking conversation 5
Getting flow execution with key 'e5s1'
Getting FlowDefinition with id 'totp/create'
Resuming in org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.MvcExternalContext@2b551393
Restoring [FlowVariable@3b66a2de name = 'key', valueFactory = [BeanFactoryVariableValueFactory@2fbc89 type = TOTPKey]]
Processing user event 'submit'
Resolved model twofa.core.domain.TOTPKey@505439d0
Binding to model
Adding default mapping for parameter 'execution'
Adding default mapping for parameter 'totpKeyId'
Adding default mapping for parameter 'token'
Adding empty value mapping for parameter 'eventId_submit'
Validating model
Event 'submit' returned from view [ServletMvcView@19f8532f view = org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityLayoutView: name '/templates/totp/create/create'; URL [/templates/totp/create/create.vm]]
Executing [Transition@2feb5361 on = submit, to = successfullyCreated]
Exiting state 'createTotpKeyView'
Entering state 'successfullyCreated' of flow 'totp/create'
Executing org.springframework.webflow.action.ViewFactoryActionAdapter@423fa131
Rendering MVC [org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityLayoutView: name '/templates/totp/create/success'; URL [/templates/totp/create/success.vm]] with model map [{currentUser=null, flashScope=map[[empty]], flowRequestContext=[RequestControlContextImpl@70144045 externalContext = org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.MvcExternalContext@2b551393, currentEvent = submit, requestScope = map[[empty]], attributes = map[[empty]], messageContext = [DefaultMessageContext@149807b4 sourceMessages = map[[null] -> list[[empty]]]], flowExecution = [FlowExecutionImpl@1c4b2c3e flow = 'totp/create', flowSessions = list[[FlowSessionImpl@6eea5d26 flow = 'totp/create', state = 'successfullyCreated', scope = map['key' -> twofa.core.domain.TOTPKey@73f32d0a]]]]], flowExecutionKey=e5s1, flowExecutionUrl=/totp/create?execution=e5s1, key=twofa.core.domain.TOTPKey@73f32d0a}]
Finished executing org.springframework.webflow.action.ViewFactoryActionAdapter@423fa131; result = success
Completed transition execution.  As a result, the flow execution has ended
Removing flow execution '[Ended execution of 'totp/create']' from repository
Ending conversation 5
Unlocking conversation 5

它说 Validating Model 但没有任何反应......

It says Validating Model but nothing happens...



It came down to a wrong import statement in my validator class.

使用 org.relaxng.datatype.ValidationContext 而不是 org.springframework.binding.validation.ValidationContext 将不起作用.

Using org.relaxng.datatype.ValidationContext instead of org.springframework.binding.validation.ValidationContext will not work.

这篇关于未找到 Spring Web Flow 验证器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 19:53