我正在尝试翻译Django第三方应用程序( django-recurrence )在我的Django 1.7项目中.尽管我已经在这里阅读了有关同一问题的所有答案,但我仍然无法让Django为该应用程序生成django.po.
I'm trying to translate a Django third-party app (django-recurrence) within my Django 1.7 project.Despite all the answers I've been reading here about the same problem, I'm still being unable to have Django generate the django.po for this app.
gettext = lambda s: s
('en-us', gettext('English')),
('it-it', gettext('Italian')),
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Rome'
USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
I've tried modifying LOCALE_PATHS in several ways, like:
LOCALE_PATHS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'locale-recurrence'))
LOCALE_PATHS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'locale'))
and so on. I've manually translated the django.po from this app tried copying it in such directories accordingly to the settings I was trying time by time, but it never worked. I've tried changing LANGUAGES and LANGUAGE_CODE to almost every possible combination among: 'it', 'it-it', 'it_it', 'it-IT' and 'it_IT'. Didn't work either.
django-admin.py makemessages --all
would only produce locale files for Django itself, totally ignoring the app I want to translate.I've tried using django-rosetta as well, but I can't honestly tell to have deepen this path too much, having already translated the app myself. Basically, I think that finding the correct way of simply telling Django to compile the django.po I've written for django-recurrence and using it should be enough.
# From the root of your project (BASE_DIR):
# Create a symlink to the application that needs to be translated
ln -s /<path_to_virtualenv>/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages/<app> ./
# Instruct makemessages to follow the symlink
./manage.py makemessages -s
# Create a folder called "tpa_translation"
# (Third Party Applications Translation)
mkdir ./<proj>/tpa_translation/<app>
# Copy inside, the directory tree that springs from your language.
# This is usually located inside the locale directory
# of the third party application.
cp -R ./<app>/locale/<your_lang> ./<proj>/tpa_translation/<app>/
# Result:
# If <your_lang> is "en", the resulting folder will be:
# f"{BASE_DIR / 'tpa_translation' / '<app>' / 'en'}"
# Set accordingly the LOCALE_PATHS in settings.py:
f"{BASE_DIR / 'tpa_translation' / '<app>'}",
#Remove the symlink
rm ./<app>
# Translate the .po file:
vim <proj>/tpa_translation/<app>/<your_lang>/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
# Compile messages
./manage.py compilemessages
# At this point django will message that a .mo file was created
# inside the directory where the new .po file exists.