本文介绍了Android的 - 保存活动状态开始新的活动时,的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




我试图用机器人:launchMode =singleInstance(以及singleTask)和android:alwaysRetainTaskState =真正的我的活动,以保存其当前状态(和它的伟大工程,当用户离开应用程序做一些事情否则,再后来回来吧)。我试着吃午饭的FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK模拟相同的行为ACTION_IM​​AGE_CAPTURE意图(地方在我心目中,我认为这应该是同样的事情,吃午饭,从主屏幕上的画面活动),但没有效果。我甚至尝试吃午饭的图片活性startActivityforResult,希望,不知怎的,我的活动不会丢失,但仍然没有效果。





你会喜欢并不重要。你需要这个code反正来处理配置更改(例如,交换机从纵向到横向)。请执行的onSaveInstanceState() onRestoreInstanceState(),然后背出来,你在不恰当的黑客所有的休息您的previous段(例如, singleInstance alwaysRetainTaskState )。

I'm currently working an application that should have the following behavior :In one of the activities, the user can select different items into a list. While doing that, he should be able to take a picture, save it, and return to the previous activity.

I'm having the following problem : when the user goes back to the activity after taking the picture, the progress (basically, the items selected) is lost.

I tried to use android:launchMode="singleInstance" (as well as singleTask) and android:alwaysRetainTaskState="true" on my activity to save its current state (and it works great when the user leave the application to do something else, then come back later to it). I tried to lunch the ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent with the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to simulate the same behavior (somewhere in my mind i thought it should be the same thing as lunching the picture activity from the homescreen), but with no effect. I even tried to lunch the picture activity with startActivityforResult with the hope that somehow my activity wouldn't be lost, but with still no effect.

I know I could use the Bundle savedInstanceState to manually save and restore the state by overriding onPause, onResume, on Create (etc), but there is actually lots of data in custom components that are not easily serializable, so I'd like to avoid that.

Well I guess my question is how can I reproduce the same behavior as alwaysRetainTaskState manifest attribute? Or is there anyway to easily save the state of my activity? Or what am I doing wrong, missing the obvious?

Thanks a lot!


What you would "like" does not much matter. You need this code anyway to handle configuration changes (e.g., switch from portrait to landscape). Please implement onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState(), then back out all the rest of the inappropriate hacks that you have in your previous paragraph (e.g., singleInstance, alwaysRetainTaskState).

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07-22 12:40