function alg1(n)
1 a=0
2 for o=1 to n do
3 for t=1 to o do
4 for k=t to o+t do
5 a=a+1
6 return(a)
If anyone could guide me to how you would find the worst-case here, and how to get the output a of alg1 as a function of n, I would be very grateful. Thanks!
We can compute the exact number of increments this code executes. First, let's replace
for k=t to o+t do
for k=1 to o+1 do
After this change, two inner loops looks like this
for t=1 to o do
for k=1 to o+1 do
这些循环的迭代次数显然是 o *(o + 1)
The number of iterations of these loops is obviously o*(o+1)
. The overall number of iterations can be calculated in the following way:
我们可以排除系数并降低系数使用big-O表示法时多项式的阶项。因此,复杂度为 O(n ^ 3)。
We can exclude coefficients and lower order terms of the polynomial when using big-O notation. Therefore, the complexity is O(n^3).