


Is there any standard way to use integers of arbitrary length in Perl? I am working on code that generates x64 assembly for tests, and I'm tired of manipulating 32 bits at a time.

我正在使用Perl 5.10.0,for这是值得的。

I'm using Perl 5.10.0, for what it's worth.


如果你只想使用大整数,你可以使用 bigint ,您可以将其范围转换为文件:

If you only want to use big integers, you can use the bigint, which you can scope to a file:

 use bigint;


 use bigint;

如果你需要大的浮点数和大整数,你可以使用 bignum pragma以同样的方式。无论哪种方式,这些都会稍微降低你的程序速度(或者如果你做了大量的数学运算,那么你的程序会很明显),所以你应该只将它们用于你真正需要它们的部分。但是,更快并不比正确更好。 :)

If you need big floating point numbers as well as big integers, you can use the bignum pragma in the same way. Either way, these will slow down your program slightly (or significantly if you are doing a lot of math), so you should only use them for the parts where you really need them. However, faster isn't better than correct. :)

如果你想非常精确地控制使用 big * 数学的数字,你可以使用底层实现它们并自己创建对象的类,而不是将 big * 语义应用于所有内容。看看 Math :: Big * 模块。

If you want very precise control over which numbers use the big* math, you can use the underlying classes that implement them and create objects yourself rather than applying the big* semantics to everything. Look that Math::Big* modules.


I talk about this more in the Benchmarking chapter of Mastering Perl since computers are too fast nowadays to use a factorial as a slow function, and we also added a section on big numbers it to the upcoming Effective Perl Programming, 2nd Edition.


09-22 20:06