After trying to make access to a storage class a little easier, I ended up in a situation that I don't have a lot of knowledge on. And, finding people that are trying to do the same thing as me isn't easy.
What I'm trying to do, is have a class that stores an array of values as strings internally, but allows simple type casting from the user's end. What I had planned on doing is use the array subscript operator to return whichever type they specify through a template. Although, it sounds a lot better than it works in practice. Here's a simple example of what I'm doing, to give you an idea of how it should work.
class StringList
template <typename T>
T operator[](const int i)
From there, I would define a few specific templates, and any user could very easily define more if needed. But, the biggest problem with this is, I don't know how to call the subscript operator with a template. At first I assumed the following(which apparently isn't correct), considering it's similar to the standard way of calling a template method.
StringList list;
T var = list<T>[0];
Does anyone know the proper way of calling the subscript operator as a template? Or, should I just avoid doing this, and use a named method?
调用你的操作符的唯一方法是明确写 list.operator []< T>()
The only way calling your operator is explicitly writing list.operator[]<T>()
- 编写一个函数模板,如
list.get< int>()
(由templatetypedef提议) - 将自动对话的代理传回
- Write a function template like
(as proposed by templatetypedef) - Return a proxy with automatic conversation to
b $ b
The code would look like:
// in the class
struct proxy {
proxy(StringList *list, int i) : list(list), i(i) {}
StringList *list;
int i;
template <typename T>
operator T() { return list->get<T>(i); }
proxy operator[](int i) { return proxy(this, i); }
template <typename T>
T get(int i) { return ...; T(); }
// how to use it:
StringList list;
int var = list.get<int>(0);
float var2 = list[0];
这篇关于C ++数组下标运算符模板的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!