从python调用java的最佳方法是什么?(jython 和 RPC 不适合我).
What is the best way to call java from python?(jython and RPC are not an option for me).
我听说过 JCC:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/JCC/1.9用于从 C++/Python 调用 Java 的 C++ 代码生成器但这需要编译每一个可能的调用;我更喜欢另一种解决方案.
I've heard of JCC: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/JCC/1.9a C++ code generator for calling Java from C++/PythonBut this requires compiling every possible call; I would prefer another solution.
我听说过 JPype:http://jpype.sourceforge.net/教程:http://www.slideshare.net/onyame/mixing-python-和-java
I've hear about JPype: http://jpype.sourceforge.net/tutorial: http://www.slideshare.net/onyame/mixing-python-and-java
import jpype
jpype.startJVM(path to jvm.dll, "-ea")
javaPackage = jpype.JPackage("JavaPackageName")
javaClass = javaPackage.JavaClassName
javaObject = javaClass()
这看起来正是我需要的.但是,最后一个版本是 2009 年 1 月发布的,我看到有人无法编译 JPype.
This looks like what I need.However, the last release is from Jan 2009 and I see people failing to compile JPype.
JPype 是一个死项目吗?
Is JPype a dead project?
这里是我对这个问题的总结:5 Ways of Calling Java from Python
Here is my summary of this problem: 5 Ways of Calling Java from Python
简短回答:Jpype 运行良好,并在许多项目中得到证明(例如 python-boilerpipe),但 Pyjnius 比 JPype 更快、更简单
Short answer: Jpype works pretty well and is proven in many projects (such as python-boilerpipe), but Pyjnius is faster and simpler than JPype
我尝试过 Pyjnius/Jnius、JCC、javabridge、Jpype 和 Py4j.
I have tried Pyjnius/Jnius, JCC, javabridge, Jpype and Py4j.
Py4j 有点难用,因为你需要启动一个网关,又增加了一层脆弱性.
Py4j is a bit hard to use, as you need to start a gateway, adding another layer of fragility.
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