


Is there a standard call for flushing the transmit side of a POSIX socket all the way through to the remote end or does this need to be implemented as part of the user level protocol? I looked around the usual headers but couldn't find anything.


有关Unix域套接字,您可以使用 fflush(),但我可能会想你意思是网络套接字。是不是真的有这些冲洗的概念。最近的事情是:

For Unix-domain sockets, you can use fflush(), but I'm thinking you probably mean network sockets. There isn't really a concept of flushing those. The closest things are:


1) At the end of your session, calling shutdown(sock, SHUT_WR) to close out writes on the socket.

2)在TCP套接字,禁用Nagle算法与sockopt的 TCP_NODELAY ,这通常是一个可怕的想法,将无法可靠地做你想做的,即使它似乎照顾它的初步调查。

2) On TCP sockets, disabling the Nagle algorithm with sockopt TCP_NODELAY, which is generally a terrible idea that will not reliably do what you want, even if it seems to take care of it on initial investigation.


It's very likely that handling whatever issue is calling for a 'flush' at the user protocol level is going to be the right thing.


08-27 13:46