

parseInt(7em,10); 在我测试的所有浏览器中返回 7 [*]。但我能依靠吗?

parseInt("7em", 10); returns 7 in all browsers I tested [*]. But can I rely on this?


The reason I ask is, that I want to perform some calculations based on em, like

/* elem1.style.top uses em units */
elem2.style.top = parseInt(elem1.style.top, 10) + 1 + "em";


I could do this with regular expressions, but parseInt is easier to use, and probably a bit faster. Or is there another solution (maybe using jQuery)?

[*]到目前为止测试:IE 6,IE 8,Safari 4,Firefox 3.6,Opera 10.5

[*] Tested so far on: IE 6, IE 8, Safari 4, Firefox 3.6, Opera 10.5


这是符合标准的行为。 ECMA-262第15.1.2.2节规定

That is the behavior according to the standard. ECMA-262 section states that

我更担心的是,在将来的某个时候, elem2.style.top 的单位将会改变。在这种情况下,此代码可能会将 200px 转换为 200em ,这可能会造成很大的混乱。

I'd be more worried that at some point in the future the units of elem2.style.top will change. In that case, this code could be turning 200px into 200em, which could cause a great deal of confusion.


10-22 18:11