

是如何将食谱应用于Chef的示例。但是没有任何关于多个节点的信息。例如,我有一个akka应用程序,该应用程序通过 akka.cluster.seed-nodes 参数传递。因此算法应为:

Here is example how apply cookbook to node with Chef. But nothing told about multiple nodes. For example I have a akka application, which is passed akka.cluster.seed-nodes parameters. So the algorithm should be:

  1. 使用IP地址定义数组 IP,例如[],[],[]

  2. 定义带有引导IP地址的空数组 bootsrapped

  3. 通过 IP开始迭代

  4. 使用当前ip调用刀引导程序,并通过 bootsrapped -Dakka.cluster.seed-nodes

  5. 将增强型ip存储在第二个数组中

  6. 转到3

  1. Define array "IP" with ip addresses like [], [], []
  2. Define empty array "bootsrapped" with bootsrapped ip addresses
  3. starting iteration over "IP"
  4. invoke knife bootstrap with current ip and "pass" -Dakka.cluster.seed-nodes with "bootsrapped" values
  5. store boostrapped ip in second array
  6. go to 3


So the goal is to write a script that can be applied to several nodes from sever. How do so with chef?



You wouldn't do this on the server side. In fact, the server doesn't even apply a recipe to a single node. If you want multiple chef nodes with the same recipes run on them, you would simply create multiple chef nodes and give them all the same run_list. You could package those recipes into a role, but that doesn't change the need to define each one individually.


If you wanted to scrip this, you would do so on the workstation (the node you run knife from). You could either have a small script that iterates over an array of IPs and bootstraps each one, or you could use a tool like Vagrant to define a whole cluster of nodes in a single DSL file.


08-26 07:44