


I am trying to read in and then output the contents of a text file with three lines, as follows:

Bob Dylan 10 9

Bob Dylan 10 9

John Lennon 8 7

John Lennon 8 7

David Bowie 6 5

David Bowie 6 5

,我只想输出行,例如firstName LastName number1 number2。

For each line, I just want to output the line, i.e. firstName LastName number1 number2.


int num1;
int num2;
string firstName;
string lastName;
string fullName;
ifstream inFile;


while (getline(inFile, firstName))
        inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> num1 >> num2;

        fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

        cout << fullName << " " << num1 << " " << num2 << endl;


这个输出有两个问题。首先,第一行不输出,虽然从实验我知道它读取它。第二,在最后2行被读入和输出(如所期望的)后,程序显示最后一行除了名字的一切(在这种情况下,最后打印的东西是Bowie 6 5)。

There are 2 problems with the output from this. First, the first line is not output, although from experimentation I know that it DOES read it in. Second, after the last 2 lines are read in and output (as desired), the program displays everything in the last line EXCEPT the first name (in this case the last thing it prints is Bowie 6 5).

有人可以使用这个简单的例子来说明当从文件中读取多行时getline函数如何工作? (我甚至不知道这是最好的方式,但它是我所知道的唯一的方式)。这里有一些具体的问题。

Can someone use this simple example to explain how the getline function works when reading in multiple lines from a file? (I don't even know if it's the best way, but it's the only way I know as of yet). Here are some specific questions.


First, does the while loop conditional getline(inFile, firstName) return a boolean? If so, how can it be true (i.e. how can the while loop start) if I haven't given firstName a value yet? Is it the case that the program reads the first line and if there's something there, then it executes the while loop, but starting with the second line, because it already used the first to check for content?


Second, if firstName does have a value, and if that value is the first name on the first line ("Bob" in this case), why isn't the first line output at all? I've been racking my brain trying to figure out where it went to.


Third, after the program reads in and displays the last two lines, the program moves to the next line and encounters nothing but blanks, right? Then what would be the value of firstName? Would it be blank, or would it still be "David"? If it's blank, why does the while loop execute again? But if it's "David", then why does the program not output that value along with the others?


Btw, I am working out of a textbook (not for homework), and it covers getline, but not for multiple lines. But then the exercises involve multiple lines, so I'm a bit lost.



You are trying to read each line twice.

while (getline(inFile, firstName)) // reads the line
        // reads the next line and overwrites firstName!
        inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> num1 >> num2;


while ( inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> num1 >> num2 )
  fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
  cout << fullName << " " << num1 << " " << num2 << endl;






After reading the line, the control goes to the nest line in the file.
Also, it returns a boolean value of true if the read operation was successful, else false.


The extraction operator truncates on all whitespaces by default. It also returns a boolean value corresponding to whether the operation was successful or not.


08-04 13:22