


I used a website to encode this:

movw $8, 4(%r8d,%esi,4)


encoding (hex): 67 66 41 C7 44 B0 04 08 00

多亏了你,我几乎明白了除了 2 个小点之外的一切:

Thanks to you I nearly understand everything except 2 small points:

  1. 这里我们将 2 个字节的立即数移动到 4 个字节的地址.他们使用了 C7 操作码,根据我的表格,它意味着以下之一:

  • 将 imm16 移动到 r/m16
  • 将 imm32 移动到 r/m32
  • mov imm32(符号扩展)到 r/m64
  • 为什么没有匹配?

    1. 为什么立即数是 2 个字节?根据什么?


    有一个匹配项.这是第一个mov imm16 to r/m16",因为助记符movw中有w.r/m16 表示正在读取/写入 16 位(两个字节)的内存.碰巧您使用 32 位有效地址来标识要写入的内存的哪两个字节,但这不是 r/m16 符号的一部分.

    There is a match. It's the first one "mov imm16 to r/m16", because of the w in the mnemonic movw. r/m16 means that 16 bits (two bytes) of memory are being read/written. It so happens that you are using a 32-bit effective address to identify which two bytes of memory are to be written, but that's not part of the r/m16 notation.


    The immediate is two bytes because two bytes are to be written. There would be no point in having more. Though there are some examples, like the third case, where the immediate is shorter than the operand size and is zero- or sign-extended.


08-29 10:48