

我要在MotherSpawner gameObject 上生成一个预制件,我想再次在positionWhereObjectSpawn gameObject 上生成该预制件.

I'm spawning a prefab on MotherSpawner gameObject and I want to spawn that prefab again on positionWhereObjectSpawn gameObject.

我打算做的是使用GameObject.Find获取positionWhereObjectSpawn gameobject 的位置,然后在该位置上生成,但他们说这样效率不高.

What I'm planning to do is get the position of positionWhereObjectSpawn gameobject using GameObject.Find, then spawn on that position, but they say it's inefficient.


What's the efficient way to do this?



Something like this should work:

var posGo = GameObject.Find("positionwhereobjectspawn");
Instantiate(myPrefab, posGo.transform.position, posGo.transform.rotation);


One thing that's inefficient here is the GameObject.Find. If you do it at every spawn, yes, it is inefficient. If you find it once and simply place it into a variable in your class to be used later, it's efficient. Like so:

GameObject posGo;
Start() {
  posGo = GameObject.Find("positionwhereobjectspawn");

Update() {
  if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.SPACE)) {
    Instantiate(myPrefab, posGo.transform.position, posGo.transform.rotation);


Next step to improve efficiency is to get rid of the Instantiate and use an object pool. You create game objects in advance, hide them, and use them when needed. For that, you should Google unity object pooling and use one of the options.


10-23 10:59