

这是一个普遍的问题。例如目前两个子线程都叫做调用pthread_cond_wait(安培; COND1,&安培;互斥),他们都在等待。然后,父线程调用

This is a general question. For example currently two child threads have called pthread_cond_wait(&cond1,&mutex), and they are both waiting. Then, the parent thread calls



Next, my question is, is it guaranteed that both of the two waiting threads will get woken up?(Suppose the first thread woken up releases mutex later at certain stage of execution so that the second thread can acquire it).


The reason for me to ask this question is because, for the unix system level signal, the signal (say SIGCHLD) is not queued so that multiple signal of same type may be lost if they are delivered consecutively. So I wonder is pthread_cond_signal implemented differently so that they will not get lost if the scheduler happen to let the parent thread signal twice in a row?



调用pthread_cond_signal()将唤醒阻塞在条件变量的线程的至少一个 - 但更重要的是不能保证(仅供参考,使用调用pthread_cond_broadcast()来唤醒所有阻塞的线程)。

pthread_cond_signal() will wake up at least one of the threads that is blocked on the condition variable - but more than that is not guaranteed (for reference, use pthread_cond_broadcast() to wake up all blocked threads).




The pthread_cond_broadcast() call unblocks all threads currently blocked on the specified condition variable cond.



So, according to the specification, I'd presume the unblocking to happen synchronously, that is, a thread that has been unblocked by the first call to pthread_cond_signal() will be seen as unblocked by the second call to pthread_cond_signal(), and thus the other thread will be waken up.


However, I do not know whether this is the case for your specific pthread implementation or not (and the glibc website is pretty dodgy at the moment, so can't get access to code to look at).

的可能,还未实现,但是,它 - 是 - 在该规格的回答:

应该指出虽然,该规范最近就得到了稍微改写如何使用调用pthread_cond_signal()调用pthread_cond_broadcast()确定这实际上阻止在给定的条件变量的线程,但我$,并非所有的实现都赶上尚未p $ psume。

It should be noted though, that the specification recently got slightly reworded regarding how the pthread_cond_signal() and pthread_cond_broadcast() determine which threads are actually blocked on a given condition variable, but I presume that not all implementations have caught up yet.


A long discussion on the subject can be found here, with the new specification being:


而不规范的专家间preTER,我会说,新案文支持此同步发生的假设 - 让两个连续的通话调用pthread_cond_signal()有两个可用的阻塞的线程,将唤醒两个线程。

So, the conclusion:Without being an expert interpreter of specifications, I'd say that the new text supports the assumption of this happening synchronously - so that two consecutive calls to pthread_cond_signal() with two blocked threads available, will wake up both threads.


I'm not 100% sure on this though, so if anyone can elaborate, feel free to do so.


08-20 06:03