

  2      1     3       6    0    9    0
         2     9       5    0    0    8
         3    10       0    6    0    6
  3      1     1       0    4    0    8
         2     1       7    0    0    8
         3     5       0    4    0    5
  4      1     3      10    0    0    7
         2     5       7    0    2    0
         3     8       6    0    0    7
  5      1     4       0    9    8    0
         2     6       2    0    0    7
         3    10       0    5    0    5
  6      1     2       2    0    8    0

我有很多文本文件。格式与上面的一样。我希望将每列数据存储到不同的数组,例如 col01 [5] = {2,3,4,5,6} (对应于第一列)。我如何做到这一点? col02 [15] = {1,2,3 ......} (对应于第2列数据)。

I have many text files. The format is like the above one. I hope to store each column data to different array, e.g., col01[5] ={2,3,4,5,6}(corresponding to the 1st column). How can I do this? col02[15] ={1,2,3......}(corresponding to the 2nd column data).


The number in the first column is not fixed and the position is also random. For example, the numbers in the first column are randomly located in some lines. The column number is fixed. It may be in the following format:

  2      1     3       6    0    9    0
  2      2     9       5    0    0    8
         3    10       0    6    0    6
  3      1     1       0    4    0    8
         2     1       7    0    0    8
  5      3     5       0    4    0    5
  4      1     3      10    0    0    7
         2     5       7    0    2    0
         3     8       6    0    0    7
  5      1     4       0    9    8    0
         2     6       2    0    0    7
         3    10       0    5    0    5
  6      1     2       2    0    8    0

我试图使用 istringstream getline 但它太复杂了。感谢

I tried to use istringstream and getline but it is too complicated. Thanks


if(i ==)//如果字符是SPACE然后什么也不做
/ \ / \ if(i == 10)//如果字符是ascii ),即ENTER,然后切换到col01
/ \ / \ else继续在col01中存储DIGITS,然后转到col02直到col07。

The simpler and more efficient way would be to scan the file character by character, i.e increment "i" aand compare for each value.if(i==" ") // if the character is " " SPACE then do nothing/\/\ if(i==10) // if the character is ascii(10) i.e ENTER then switch to col01/\/\ else go on storing the DIGITS in col01, then col02 on and on till col07.


This is the abstract of your problem's solution.Hope it helps.If it doesn't let me now, I'll be glad to help again.


08-20 09:49