


I keep hearing about all the new cool features that are being added to the JVM and one of those cool features is invokedynamic. I would like to know what it is and how does it make reflective programming in Java easier or better?


这是一个新的允许编译器生成代码的JVM指令,该代码调用具有比以前更宽松的规范的方法 - 如果你知道什么是是的,invokedynamic基本上允许鸭子打字。作为Java程序员可以用它做的事情并不多;但是,如果您是工具创建者,则可以使用它来构建更灵活,更高效的基于JVM的语言。 是一篇非常精彩的博客文章,提供了大量细节。

It is a new JVM instruction which allows a compiler to generate code which calls methods with a looser specification than was previously possible -- if you know what "duck typing" is, invokedynamic basically allows for duck typing. There's not too much you as a Java programmer can do with it; if you're a tool creator, though, you can use it to build more flexible, more efficient JVM-based languages. Here is a really sweet blog post that gives a lot of detail.


05-25 14:08