为了了解 Redux 的动机,我阅读了官方链接 https://redux.js.org/introduction/motivation 和这个 stackoverflow 问题 解释 Redux:变异和异步性 但我我无法获得它,因为两个链接上都缺少示例.谷歌搜索也没有显示任何页面的突变和异步组合的例子.
To understand Redux motivation, I read the offical link https://redux.js.org/introduction/motivation and this stackoverflow question Explain Redux : mutation and asynchronicity but I am not able to get it as example is missing on both the links. Googling also not presented any page with example of combination of mutation and asynchronicity.
我想要的是现实生活中的 Web 应用程序示例,其中突变和异步性的组合是一团糟.每个页面/博客都以轻松管理状态开始,但它们缺少真实的 Web 应用程序示例,即变异和异步组合解释(动机).任何人都可以通过举个好例子来帮助我.
What I want is the real life web application example where combination of mutation and asynchronicity is mess. Every page/blog just starts with manage state easily but they are missing real web app example of mutation and asynchronicity combination explanation(motivation). Can anyone help me by giving good example.
With both async and mutation, you lose your "single source of truth" for managing your state.
假设您有一个初始化为 0 的全局计数器.您还有 2 个带有异步处理程序的 Button 组件,inc 和 dec 会影响全局计数器.
Let's say you have a global counter initialized to 0. You also have 2 Button components with async handlers, inc and dec that affect the global counter.
如果我点击 inc, inc, dec;任何时候 counter 的值是多少?
If I click inc, inc, dec; What is the value of counter at any point?
我们无法知道哪些事件已经触发 b/c,它们不能保证按顺序进行.因此,如果我正在查看计数器值 1,是否为 b/c:
We have no way to know which event(s) already fired b/c they are not guaranteed to come in order. So if I'm looking at the counter value 1, is it b/c of:
待定:inc, dec
pending: inc, dec
已解决:inc, inc, dec
resolved: inc, inc, dec
With async functions and mutatable state, you never really know what your state is unless nothing is happening.
这篇关于Redux 动机:突变和异步性示例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!