


In C, I have a function which take an array as a parameter. This parameter is used as an output in this function. The output is always the same size. I would:

  • 使任何阅读代码的人都清楚所需的大小(尽管已经在函数注释中了),
  • 理想情况下,编译会输出警告或错误,因此我可以防止在编译时(而不是运行时)出现问题.

我在这里找到: https://hamberg.no/erlend/posts/2013-02-18-static-array-indices.html 看起来很像解决方案的东西,但是如果我尝试通过,则在编译过程中将无法获得警告或错误比所需大小小的数组.

I found here: https://hamberg.no/erlend/posts/2013-02-18-static-array-indices.html something which look like a solution but I am not able to get a warning or an error during the compilation if I try to pass a smaller array than the required size.


Here is my complete program main.c:

void test_array(int arr[static 5]);

int main(void)
    int array[3] = {'\0'};

    test_array(array); // A warning/error should occur here at compilation-time
                       // telling me my array does not meet the required size.

    return 0;

void test_array(int arr[static 5])
    arr[2] = 0x7; // do anything...


Contrary to this blog, I use gcc (version 7.4.0) instead of clang with the following command:

gcc -std=c99 -Wall -o main.out main.c


In my code, we can see that the test_array() function needs a 5 elements array. I am passing a 3 elements one. I would expect a message from the compiler about this.


In C, how to force a function parameter being an array to be of a given size? In case it is not, it should be noticeable at compilation-time.



If you pass a pointer to the array instead of a pointer to its first element, you will get an incompatible pointer warning:

void foo(int (*bar)[42])

int main(void)
    int a[40];
    foo(&a);  // warning: passing argument 1 of 'foo' from incompatible pointer type [-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types]
    // note: expected 'int (*)[42]' but argument is of type 'int (*)[40]'

    int b[45];
    foo(&b);  // warning: passing argument 1 of 'foo' from incompatible pointer type [-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types]
    // note: expected 'int (*)[42]' but argument is of type 'int (*)[45]'

使用 -Werror 进行编译以使其成为错误.

Compile with -Werror to make it an error.



08-19 12:39