

我曾经用C ++编程过,我记得我们可以在一个方法中做一个恒定的引用/指针参数.

Having programmed in C++ in the past, I recall we could make a constant reference/pointer parameter in a method.


If my memory is correct, the below means, that the method cannot alter the reference and the reference itself is a constant reference.

void DisplayData(const string &value) const
   std::count << value << endl;


Is there an equivalent in C# for methods in a class?


The reason why I'm asking is, I'm trying to pass a object by reference (for speed) and at the same time don't want anyone to alter it.



现在似乎是 in 参数修饰符表现出这种行为(本质上是 ref只读).简要搜索何时使用此功能会产生以下答案:

There now appears to be the in parameter modifier that exhibits this behaviour (in essence, a ref readonly). A brief search on when you would ever use this yields the following answer:

为什么一个人会使用"; in"C#中的参数修饰符?



If you don't want anyone to alter the "reference", or perhaps you mean the content of the object, make sure the class doesn't expose any public setters or methods of mutating the class. If you cannot change the class, have it implement an interface that only publicly exposes the members in a read-only fashion and pass the interface reference instead.

如果您要停止该方法更改引用,那么默认情况下,如果您按引用"传递该方法,则实际上是按值传递该引用.从方法更改引用所指向的内容的任何尝试只会影响本地方法副本,而不会影响调用者的副本.可以通过在引用类型上使用 ref 关键字来更改此值,此时,方法 可以将引用指向新的基础对象,并且影响呼叫者.

If you mean you want to stop the method from changing the reference, then by default if you pass it "by reference", you are actually passing the reference by value. Any attempt from the method to change what the reference points to will only affect the local method copy, not the caller's copy. This can be changed by using the ref keyword on a reference type, at which point the method can point the reference at a new underlying object and it will affect the caller.

