



"0A 0D AE E6 D6 6F D7 0F 0B 9B BF E2 41 A3 3A CF 67 CB D7 EE 6F 58 8B DB 7D 79 BE 6C 69 FE F3 B0 8D DD"


"x10 x13 x10 x13 x63 x63 x10 x13 x63 x63 x63 x111 x10 x13 x63 x63 x63 x63 x111 x63 x15"


 字符串 Rxstring = "  ";
字符 []结果=  字符 [  1 ];
      for ( int  len =  0 ; len <  result.Length;)
        len + = serialPort1.Read(result,len,result.Length-len);复制代码
      foreach ( char  c  in 结果中的字符)
        RxString + = 字符串 .Format("  x {0} ",Convert.ToUInt16(c).ToString())+ "  "; 

我正在使用设备(arduino uno)将1字节的数据写入COM端口.我更改了波特率,但数据未更改.是转换(Convert.ToUint16)的问题.热销将其转换为十六进制值.



"0A 0D 3F 3F 3F 6F 3F 0F 1B 3F 3F 3F 41F 3F 3A 3F 67 3F 3F 3F 6F 58 0B 3F 7D 79 3F 6C 69 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F"

为什么我大多数时候都得到"3F",并且它的ASCII等效值是?"? ?.某些数据完全匹配.但是...

我正在使用设备(arduino uno)将1字节的数据写入COM端口.我已经更改了波特率,但是接收到的数据没有更改.是转换问题(Convert.ToUint16)还是c#无法识别Visual Studio编码中的字符或问题.正确估价; "x {0}"应为"{0:X2}"并删除ToString.


Hai guys,

Please help me to sort out this issue. I wan to read from COM7 port. I tried every means to grab the values. What i am expecting from serial port is

"0A 0D AE E6 D6 6F D7 0F 0B 9B BF E2 41 A3 3A CF 67 CB D7 EE 6F 58 8B DB 7D 79 BE 6C 69 FE F3 B0 8D DD"

But i am getting the following value:

"x10 x13 x10 x13 x63 x63 x10 x13 x63 x63 x63 x111 x10 x13 x63 x63 x63 x111 x63 x15"

The code i am using is :

String Rxstring="";
char[] result = new char[1];
     for (int len = 0; len < result.Length; )
        len += serialPort1.Read(result, len, result.Length - len);
     foreach (char c in result)
        RxString += String.Format("x{0}", Convert.ToUInt16(c).ToString()) + "    ";

I am writing 1 byte of data to COM port using a device(arduino uno). i changed the baud rate but no change in the data. is It the problem of conversion(Convert.ToUint16). Hot to convert it into HEX value.

Please help me guys.

additional information copied from non solution below (it came after solution 1)
Thanks my friend, I edited my code as you mentioned, again the problem exist. Now i am getting values as:

"0A 0D 3F 3F 3F 6F 3F 0F 1B 3F 3F 3F 41 3F 3A 3F 67 3F 3F 3F 6F 58 0B 3F 7D 79 3F 6C 69 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F"

Why i am getting "3F" most times and its ASCII equivalent is "?" ?.Some data matches exactly.But...

I am writing 1 byte of data to COM port using a device(arduino uno). I have changed the baud rate but no change in the data received . is It the problem of conversion(Convert.ToUint16) or does c# cannot recognize the character or problem with visual studio encoding.



07-09 00:30