两个项目的定义清单作者等于两个项目的清单清单项目符号约翰·列侬项目符号保罗·麦卡特尼列表结尾流派等于两项列表项目符号流行音乐子弹摇滚列表结尾列表结尾 Definition list of two items Authors equals List of two items bullet John Lennon bullet Paul McCartney List end Genres equals List of two items bullet Pop bullet Rock List end List end推荐答案您链接到的文档包含以下示例:The document that you link to contains the following example:在以下示例中,一个条目(作者")链接到两个值("John"和"Luke").In the following example, one entry ("Authors") is linked to two values ("John" and "Luke").<dl> <dt> Authors <dd> John <dd> Luke <dt> Editor <dd> Frank</dl>换句话说,单个<dt>元素之后的两个<dd>元素都与同一<dt>元素相关联.In other words, the two <dd> elements following a single <dt> element are both associated to that same <dt> element.从语义上看,在具有多个连续的<dd>元素与具有一个单独的<dd>而又包含一个<ul>的元素之间似乎并没有太大的区别.如果区分列表"很重要, (单个值<dd>中的<ul>)来自一组值" (顺序中有多个<dd>),然后我将基于此做出决定.如果那不重要,那么给我一个选择,我会依次选择多个<dd>,因为它更简单.There doesn't appear to be much of a difference in terms of semantics, then, between having multiple successive <dd> elements, and having a single <dd> that in turn contains a <ul>. If it's important to distinguish "a list" (a <ul> in a single <dd>) from "a group of values" (multiple <dd>s in sequence), then I would decide based on that. If that's not important, then given a choice I would pick multiple <dd>s in sequence, because it is simpler. 这篇关于多个dd的语义含义标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-19 13:55