

HTML5引入了许多( >,< article> 等元素没有任何特殊属性暴露给前端JavaScript代码;相反,他们都只是使用 HTMLElement 元素没有。

屏幕阅读器可以宣布文档的某个部分是部分或文章,并允许屏幕阅读器用户浏览文档部分 -by - 部分,或者更轻松地跳转到文章 s。

也就是说,屏幕阅读器还允许用户通过跳转到 h1 - h6 标题 - 不管这些标题是在部分还是文章元素中 - 因此对于屏幕阅读器用户这实际上是更重要的,你的文件有很好的我nformative h1 - h6 标题和逻辑结构

HTML5 introduced many semantic elements (<nav>, <section>, <article>, etc.). But aside from helping read and structure our HTML, do they have any other unique properties? Or are they essentially just <div>s with different names? It seems like the latter is true.

I keep reading about the "semantics" but can't find a direct answer.


The <nav>, <section>, <article>, etc., elements don’t have any special properties that are exposed to frontend JavaScript code; instead they all just use the HTMLElement interface.

However, they do have special properties in screen readers—in that they get announced to screen-reader users in a special way that a div element doesn’t.

Screen readers can announce that a certain part of a document is a section or article, and allow screen-reader users to navigate through the document section-by-section, or to more easily jump among articles.

That said, screen readers also enable users to easily navigate through a document by jumping among its h1-h6 headings—regardless of whether those headings are in section or article elements—so for screen-reader users it’s actually more important that your documents have good informative h1-h6 headings and a logical structure.


08-06 15:32