

Kotlin ?.let是线程安全的吗?

Is Kotlin ?.let thread-safe?

比方说a变量可以在不同的线程中更改.使用a?.let { /* */ }线程安全吗?如果它等于if (a != null) { block() },是否可能发生if中不为空且在block中已经为空的情况?

Let's say a variable can be changed in different thread.Is using a?.let { /* */ } thread-safe? If it's equal to if (a != null) { block() } can it happen that in if it's not null and in block it's already null?


a?.let { block() }确实等同于if (a != null) block().


This also means that if a is a mutable variable, then:

  1. a可能在执行空检查之后重新分配,并在执行block()时保持null值;

  1. a might be reassigned after the null check and hold a null value when block() is executed;


All concurrency-related effects are in power, and proper synchronization is required if a is shared between threads to avoid a race condition;

但是,由于let { ... }实际上将其接收者作为接收函数的单个参数传递给它,因此它可以用于捕获a的值并在lambda中使用它,而不用再次访问block().例如:

However, as let { ... } actually passes its receiver as the single argument to the function it takes, it can be used to capture the value of a and use it inside the lambda instead of accessing the property again in the block(). For example:

a?.let { notNullA -> block(notNullA) }

// with implicit parameter `it`, this is equivalent to:
a?.let { block(it) }


Here, the value of a passed as the argument into the lambda is guaranteed to be the same value that was checked for null. However, observing a again in the block() might return a null or a different value, and observing the mutable state of the given instance should also be properly synchronized.


09-01 16:43