

您好,我对@ModelAttribute批注有疑问.据我了解,我们在方法参数中使用@ModelAttribute从模型中获取数据.但是,很难清楚地了解何时以及如何使用它.(代码示例摘自Spring in Action 5书)为什么在这种情况下,在以下 public String processOrder()方法中的代码中,我们不对 @有效订单

Hello I have question about @ModelAttribute annotation. As i understand, we use @ModelAttribute in method arguments to get data from the model. But it's quite hard to understand clearly when and how its used.(Code samples are from Spring in Action 5 book)Why in this case in the code below in public String processOrder() method we do not use @ModelAttribute annotation on @Valid Order order

    public class OrderController {

      private OrderRepository orderRepo;

      public OrderController(OrderRepository orderRepo) {
        this.orderRepo = orderRepo;

      public String orderForm(@AuthenticationPrincipal User user, 
          @ModelAttribute Order order) {
        if (order.getDeliveryName() == null) {
        //following conditions

        return "orderForm";

      public String processOrder(@Valid Order order, Errors errors,  // <<< Here
          SessionStatus sessionStatus, 
          @AuthenticationPrincipal User user) {

        if (errors.hasErrors()) {
          return "orderForm";



        return "redirect:/";


但在这种情况下,在@Valid Taco taco上使用方法 processDesign()上的DesignTacoController类@ModelAttribute:

but in this case, DesignTacoController class, @ModelAttribute on a method processDesign() is used on @Valid Taco taco:

    public class DesignTacoController {

 public String processDesign(@Valid @ModelAttribute("design") Taco design, // <<< Here   
 Errors errors, Model model) {
        if (errors.hasErrors()) {
          return "design";

        // Save the taco design...
        // We'll do this in chapter 3
        log.info("Processing design: " + design);

        return "redirect:/orders/current";

然后在下一章中,作者从同一DesignTacoController类的 processDesign()方法中删除@ModelAttribute.

And then in the next chapter author removes @ModelAttribute from processDesign() method from the same DesignTacoController class.

    public class DesignTacoController {

      @ModelAttribute(name = "order")
      public Order order() {
        return new Order();

      @ModelAttribute(name = "design")
      public Taco design() {
        return new Taco();

      public String processDesign(
          @Valid Taco taco, Errors errors, // <<< Here 
          @ModelAttribute Order order) {

        log.info("   --- Saving taco");

        if (errors.hasErrors()) {
          return "design";

        Taco saved = tacoRepo.save(taco);

        return "redirect:/orders/current";


And in this code snippet(from the code above):

          public String processDesign(
              @Valid Taco taco, Errors errors, // <<< Here 
              @ModelAttribute Order order) {


引用:"Order参数用@ModelAttribute注释,以指示其值应来自模型,并且Spring MVC不应尝试绑定向其请求参数."我不明白作者在这里的意思,因为在所有教程中都说@ModelAttribute用作方法参数时,它将请求参数绑定到它.将表单数据与POJO bean绑定,然后使用来自提交表单的数据填充模型属性.

quote from book: "The Order parameter is annotated with @ModelAttribute to indicate that itsvalue should come from the model and that Spring MVC shouldn’t attempt to bindrequest parameters to it."This I don't understand what author meant here, because in all tutorials it is said that when @ModelAttribute is used as a method arguments,it binds request parameters to it. Binds the form data with a POJO bean, model attribute is populated with data from a form submitted.




Here we need specify the name if the model attribute.Because in our view we assume it is named "design" and not "taco".

public String processDesign(@Valid @ModelAttribute("design") Taco design, Errors errors) {

如果我们将Taco类重命名为Design ...如果模型属性,我们不需要指定名称.它将从类的简单名称推导出来.com.example.Design-> "design"

If we rename the Taco class to Design ...We don't need to specify the name if the model attribute.It will be deduced from the simple name of the class.com.example.Design -> "design"

public String processDesign(@Valid Design design, Errors errors) {

请参见用于ModelAttribute的javadoc :


09-18 21:17