

我们正在为运行在Java 5上的Web应用程序本地化用户界面文本,并且在如何输出属性文件中定义的消息方面存在两难选择- java.util.Properties .

We are localising the user-interface text for a web application that runs on Java 5, and have a dilemma about how we output messages that are defined in properties files - the kind used by java.util.Properties.

某些消息包含占位符,将使用 java.text.MessageFormat .例如:

Some messages include a placeholder that will be filled using java.text.MessageFormat. For example:

search.summary = Your search for {0} found {1} items.


MessageFormat is annoying, because a single quote is a special character, despite being common in English text. You have to type two for a literal single quote:

warning.item = This item''s {0} is not valid.


However, three-quarters of the application's 1000 or so messages do not include a placeholder. This means that we can output them directly, avoiding MessageFormat, and leave the single quotes alone:

help.url = The web page's URL


Question: should we use MessageFormat for all messages, for consistent syntax, or avoid MessageFormat where we can, so most messages do not need escaping?


There are clearly pros and cons either way.


Note that the API documentation for MessageFormat acknowledges the problem and suggests a non-solution:


只需编写您自己的MessageFormat实现即可,而无需使用此烦人的功能.您可以查看 SLF4J Logger 的代码.

Just write your own implementation of MessageFormat without this annoying feature. You may look at the code of SLF4J Logger.


They have their own version of message formatter which can be used as followed:

logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. Old temperature was {}.", t, oldT);


Empty placeholders could be used with default ordering and numbered for some localization cases where different languages do permutations of words or parts of sentences.


09-23 15:44