


Coming from a Classic ASP background, I'm used to multiple forms on a page, but this clearly limited in a ASP.NET page.


However, I have a situation where I have a form that gathers input from the user, saves the data to a DB, and afterwards I want to render (and tweak the values of) a special form that posts to the PayPal website.


If the PayPal form's field values were static, there would be no problem, but since I want to manipulate the form server-side (to tweak the qty, desc, price fields etc) this will be a problem.


I was considering redirecting to a different page after writing to the DB, and I suspect this would work fairly well, but it's a bit of extra effort that may be unneccessary.

还向我建议,可以根据自己所在的周期,以编程方式呈现其他形式.也就是说,使用占位符,然后在Page_Load上首先添加一个DB Form(带有子控件),然后在Postback之后添加PayPal表单.

It has also been suggested to me that I could programmatically render a different form, depending on where in the cycle I am. That is, use a placeholder, and on Page_Load I would add a DB Form (complete with child controls) initially, and the PayPal form after a Postback.


This scenario has got to be a common one for you guys, so I'm looking for opinions advice and any relevant code samples if you have preferred approach.


I know I can get by, but this project is a learning vehicle so I want to adopt what passes for best practice.





You can have multiple forms, it's just only one form may have the runat="server" attribute.

要使PayPal正常运作,有很多答案;但由于它是一种学习工具,可能会作弊.老实说,我将使用成熟的PayPal API,而不是使用某种形式的简化方法(其附加优点是可以扩展您的学习范围).

There are a bunch of answers to getting PayPal to work; but as it's a learning vehicle that may be cheating. In all honesty, I'd look at the full-blown PayPal API rather than use the method of the somewhat simplistic form (with the added advantage that it should stretch your learning more).


Otherwise yes, set up an HTML form outside of the server side form, and add a literal into it and write the bits and pieces in there.


08-29 03:35