RxJs 好教程

本文介绍了RxJs 好教程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试学习 ReactiveX.我花了几乎一整天的时间,我无法正确理解它.我试图查看官方文档,但很难理解.像这样:

I am trying to learn ReactiveX. I have spent almost a whole day and I am not able to understand it properly. I tried to look the official documentation but is is very difficult to understand. Something like this:

"Rx.Observable.prototype.flatMapLatest(selector, [thisArg])

"Rx.Observable.prototype.flatMapLatest(selector, [thisArg])


Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence."


How a new person is able to understand it. So if someone knows the good resource then please mention


正如评论者所说,Brian Troncone 的页面是个好地方:https://www.learnrxjs.io/.

As a commenter has said, Brian Troncone's page is a good place: https://www.learnrxjs.io/.

现实情况是,学习 Rx 并非一蹴而就.困难的部分不是学习库、操作符等.Rx 至少需要一点点投资来以不同的方式思考,至少对于大多数人(包括我自己)而言.

The reality is that learning Rx is not a snap. The hard part isn't learning the library, the operators, etc. Rx requires at least a little bit of investment in thinking differently, at least for most people (myself included).

开始理解它的最好方法是玩它.对于 RxJS,rx-book 中的交互式示例是一个很好的起点.他们使用 jsbin,因此您可以运行示例代码以查看输出,然后调整代码以查看其有何不同.

The best way to start understanding it is to play with it. For RxJS, the interactive examples in rx-book are a great place to start. They use jsbin, so you can run the sample code to see the output, then tweak the code to see what difference it makes.

从 .Net 的角度来看,使用 Linqpad 是开始了解 Rx 工作原理的最佳方式.

From a .Net angle, playing with Linqpad is the best way to start getting a feel for how Rx works.


Ultimately you'll need to combine different aspects of learning:

  • 一些理论阅读
  • 一些实际例子(这是 rx-book 有用的地方)
  • 在您自己的演示或真实系统中的一些实际应用

我在这里有一份有用的资源列表.但是有太多的东西在那里,尤其是在 rxjs 上,很难跟上.

I have a list of helpful resources that I've compiled here. But there is so much being put out there, especially on rxjs, that it's hard to keep up.

不常见的是真实世界使用 Rx 的真实例子.部分原因是因为 Rx 通常应用于更大规模的问题,因此仅仅制作一个好的用例来制作演示并不容易.

What's not common is true examples of real world usage of Rx. Partly this is because Rx is typically applied to larger scale problems, so it's not easy to just fabricate a good use case to make a demo from.

ReactiveTrader 是应用 Rx 的大规模演示的一个例子.这是一个应用大量使用 Rx 来构建复杂的 Web 应用来处理流数据和 UI 事件的一个很好的例子.

ReactiveTrader is one example of a large scale demonstration of applying Rx. It's a good example of an app making heavy use of Rx to build a complex web app that deals with streaming data and UI events.

我还就如何将 Rx 应用于推文流以分析数据进行了演讲.这是面向流数据的实时操作、聚合和过滤.有一个完整的演讲视频,以及讨论方法和结果的文章这里.

I've also given a talk on how to apply Rx to tweet streams to analyze the data. This is oriented around real-time manipulation, aggregation and filtering of streaming data. There's a full video of the talk, plus articles discussing the approach and results here.

最终你需要花时间来学习 Rx,但如果你坚持下去,这将是值得的.

Ultimately it will take you time to learn Rx, but it will be worth the effort if you follow through.

这篇关于RxJs 好教程的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 01:52