我精通 C++(不是 C),最近购买了一部基于 Symbian 的手机.这让我有理由开始学习如何为这只野兽编程.
I have good knowledge on C++ (not C) and recently bought a Symbian-based phone.This gave me reasons to start learning on how to program this beast.
我搜索过 Symbian 编程教程,但知识太多,很难选择最适合启动的.
I have searched for Symbian programming tutorials but there is so much knowledge that it is hard to choose best for startup.
所以我想请教一些关于从哪里开始嵌入式/Symbian 编程学习的提示,这些提示可以让我在这个主题中快速开始;尤其是如果你自己有这方面的知识.
So I'm asking for hints, tips on where to start embedded/Symbian programming learning that would give me a kick-start in this topic; especially if you have this knowledge yourself.
我将仅指出我在踏上成为 Symbian 开发人员的旅程时使用的一些资源.
I will merely point out a few resources that I used when I embarked on the journey to become a Symbian Developer.
- Symbian Developer 门户网站上的学习中心.那里有各种形式的文档、白皮书和教程,可帮助您快速了解 Symbian 内部结构和应用程序开发.此外,您最终必须从那里获得 Symbian SDK 和开发工具.
- 诺基亚论坛
- NewLC.com 一个蓬勃发展且非常有帮助的 Symbian 开发人员社区.它经常更新.
- 我很高兴得到这本书 AccreditedSymbian 开发者入门指南.尽管它没有深入研究任何事物的深度,但它在一个非常小的空间内非常出色地解释了一些最基本、最难掌握的概念.
- The Learning Centre at Symbian Developer portal. There are all manners of documents, whitepapers, and tutorials there to get you up to speed with Symbian internals and application development. Also, you will eventually have to get the Symbian SDKs and dev tools from there.
- Forum Nokia
- NewLC.com A thriving and very helpful community of Symbian developers. It is updated sufficiently often.
- I am glad to have got the book Accredited Symbian Developer Primer. Even though it does not delve into the depths of anything, in an amazingly small space it explains some of the most fundamental and most difficult to grasp concepts very brilliantly.