

是否可以通过RestKit将JSON的 NSString 反序列化为对象?我检查了的API列表,但找不到可用于此目的的内容。我能找到的最接近的是解析输入后返回 NSDictionary 的各种解析器类。我假设RestKit在下载响应后使用这些解析器,所以我的想法是在RestKit中的某个地方可以使用这个功能但是没有公开公开。

Is it possible to deserialize an NSString of JSON into objects via RestKit? I checked the API list here and could not find something that would serve for this purpose. The closest I could find are the various parser classes that return NSDictionary after parsing the input. I assume RestKit uses these parsers after downloading the response so my thinking is that the functionality is available somewhere in RestKit but not exposed publicly.

如果我没有遗漏任何东西,这个功能没有暴露,会有什么替代方案?两个明显的看起来不太有希望:获得结果 NSDictionary 并尝试反序列化自己(有效地重新实现RestKit)或尝试深入RestKit源并查看是否可以某种方式暴露(看起来很乏味且容易出错)。

If I am not missing anything and this functionality is not exposed, what would be the alternatives? Two obvious ones do not look very promising: Get the resulting NSDictionary and try to deserialize myself (effectively reimplementing RestKit) or try to dive into RestKit source and see if this can be somehow exposed (looks tedious and error prone).



PS: The idea is that a string property on a deserialized object is actually the JSON representation of another set of objects (embedded JSON in a sense) and it is deserialized on demand during runtime.



NSString *stringJSON;

RKJSONParserJSONKit *parser;
NSError *error= nil;
parser= [[[RKJSONParserJSONKit alloc] init] autorelease]; 
MyManagedObject *target;
target= [MyManagedObject object];

NSDictionary *objectAsDictionary;
RKObjectMapper* mapper;
objectAsDictionary= [parser objectFromString:stringJSON error:&error];
mapper = [RKObjectMapper mapperWithObject:objectAsDictionary 
                          mappingProvider:[RKObjectManager sharedManager].mappingProvider];
mapper.targetObject = target;
RKObjectMappingResult* result = [mapper performMapping];
NSLog(@"%@", [result asObject]);


10-27 15:42