


I want to update a Magento to 1.6.x.y. instead of the latest version 1.7.x.y


There are many articles on how to update a Magento installation to the latest version, but that´s not what I want. There are some forum threads where people are asking how to update to a specific version, but those all don´t sport a solution.


It seems like it is only possible to unpack the tar.gz of the specific version, but it is not possible to use the command line tool, i.e.

./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage upgrade-all --force


Is there a way to use the command line tool to update to a specific version?



根据我的经验,您最终要做的是报废Magento Connect(通常是万恶之源,当您连续进行两次或三次局部升级时),下载整个软件包 (您可以在发行档案"选项卡上找到所有可用的版本),并将其解压缩到目录中然后在服务器上,将它们复制到您的Magento根目录中,或者从远程工作站上,通过ftp/scp将它们上传到服务器的Magento根目录中.

From my experience, what you end up doing is scrapping Magento Connect (which often is the source of all evil, when you've had it do partial upgrades two or three times in a row), downloading the whole package from the download archive (you have all the versions available from there on the Release Archives tab), unzipping them to a directory and then either on the server, copying them into your Magento root directory or from a remote workstation, ftp/scp uploading them to the server Magento root directory.


If you're serious about running Magento, you will have a development server that you do this to several times to find out where all the upgrade breakages are so you can weed out busted templates, detect forgotten core modifications, curse third party modules that don't survive, etc. It's really important to do this if you're depending on that e-commerce site for your income as intense suckage occurs when you aren't ready and sink the live site.


If you've modularized all your module overrides, created your own skin folders and custom template or used a well written template from a developer, it truly is just simply dumping the new version files on top of the old version files and overwriting everything (only after disabling all Magento caching and the compiler if you were using it and manually deleting all var/cache--? folders).


If, however, you've modified any of the files you are overwriting, you are in a world of hurt because you didn't do things properly.


Also, you have to deal with upgrading third party modules to work with the new version.


Then before committing the live site, backup all Magento application files and do a database dump.


由于最初的问题是:您可以使用命令行工具吗?"是的..一旦您从下载档案中保存文件 ,请使用以下命令:

Since the original question was, "can you use the command line tool?" yes you can. Once you have the file saved from the download archive, use the following:

./mage install-file /home/login-name/path-to-download-file/magento-1.5.x.x.tgz

我还在各种模块软件包上使用了它来检查内容. mage命令只有下载,下载软件包文件,检查内容.如果您喜欢它的功能,请安装它.

I've also used this on various module packages to inspect the contents. The mage command has a download only, download the package file, inspect the contents. If you like what it does, install it.


09-05 10:24