

在我看来, itertools 模块中的许多函数都有更简单的等价物。例如,据我所知, itertools.islice(范围(10),2,5)范围(10)相同)[2:5] itertools.chain([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) [1,2,3] + [4,5,6] 相同。主要文档页面提到速度优势,但除此之外还有任何理由选择itertools吗?

It seems to me that many functions in the itertools module have easier equivalents. For example, as far as I can tell, itertools.islice(range(10),2,5) does the same thing as range(10)[2:5], and itertools.chain([1,2,3],[4,5,6]) does the same thing as [1,2,3]+[4,5,6]. The main documentation page mentions speed advantages, but are there any reasons to choose itertools besides this?



To address the two examples you brought up:

import itertools

data1 = range(10)

# This creates a NEW list

# This creates an iterator that iterates over the EXISTING list
itertools.islice(data1, 2, 5)

data2 = [1, 2, 3]
data3 = [4, 5, 6]

# This creates a NEW list
data2 + data3

# This creates an iterator that iterates over the EXISTING lists
itertools.chain(data2, data3)

为什么要使用迭代器而不是其他方法有很多原因。如果列表非常大,则创建包含大型子列表的新列表可能会出现问题,或者尤其是创建包含两个其他列表副本的列表。使用 islice() chain()允许您以您希望的方式迭代列表无需使用更多内存或计算来创建新列表。此外,如所述,您不能使用括号切片或添加迭代器。

There are many reasons why you'd want to use iterators instead of the other methods. If the lists are very large, it could be a problem to create a new list containing a large sub-list, or especially create a list that has a copy of two other lists. Using islice() or chain() allows you to iterate over the list(s) in the way you want, without having to use more memory or computation to create the new lists. Also, as unutbu mentioned, you can't use bracket slicing or addition with iterators.


I hope that's enough of an answer; there are plenty of other answers and other resources explaining why iterators are awesome, so I don't want to repeat all of that information here.


09-23 14:02