


(require '[compojure.core :as ccore]
         '[ring.util.response :as response])

(def *main-routes*
     (ccore/defroutes avalanche-routes
       (ccore/GET "/" [] "Hello World 2")
       (ccore/GET "/images/:id" [id] (get-image-response id))))

在此示例中,请求 / 工作方式类似于charm并返回预期的 Hello World 2

In this example, requesting / works like a charm and returns the expected Hello World 2.


The get-images-response method is defined like this:

(defn get-image-response
  (let [record (db/get-image id false)]
    (-> (response/response (:data record))
        (response/content-type (:content-type record))
        (response/header "Content-Length" (:size record)))))


I get a 404 though, so the serving of binary files doesn't quite work yet. Any ideas why?

确定,问题与在 / images / name上请求图像的事实有关。 jpg 。一旦我删除 .jpg ,调用处理程序。所以,问题是我如何匹配除了扩展之外的任何东西?

Ok, the issue relates to the fact that images are being requested on /images/name.jpg. As soon as I remove the .jpg the handler gets called. So the question becomes how do I match on anything but the extension?


这种情况下的真正的答案是, clojure-couchdb库中的错误。该修补程序可从获取。

The real answer in this case was that there was a bug in the clojure-couchdb library. The patch is available on github here.


It boils down to adding the {:as :byte-array} map parameter and value to the request sent via clj-http to couch's api.

我的代码中的另一个问题是 ring 真的不知道在渲染它们时如何处理字节数组。而不是修补环,我只是将字节数组包装到 java.io.ByteArrayInputStream 。这是处理下载的完整代码:

The other issue in my code was that ring doesn't really know what to do with byte-arrays when it's rendering them. Rather than patching ring, I just wrapped the byte-array into a java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. Here is the complete code for handling the download:

(defn get-image-response
  (let [record (db/get-image id false)]
    (-> (response/response (new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream (:data record)))
        (response/content-type (:content-type (:content-type record)))
        (response/header "Content-Length" (:size record)))))


09-05 17:02