Hi Im working on a Korean android app.
在这里,我实现了一个带有字母部分标题的列表视图来显示联系人。我使用String类的substring方法获取第一个字母作为节标题。对于韩国人,我也使用子字符串方法获取首字母。在这里,我需要将韩语首字母显示为Korean contactㄷㄹㅎㅎㅍㅍㅎ。我真的不知道韩国联系人列表中的哪个首字母与这些韩国首字母匹配。
Here I implemented a listview with alphabetic section headers to display contacts. I used substring method of String class to get the first letter as section header. For korean contacts also im taking first letter using substring method. Here I need to display Korean initials as ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ with respects to first letter of the Korean contact. I'm not really know which first letter of the Korean contact list matches with these Korean initials.
So please help me how i can do this or give me reference to follow...
I don't think it is normal behaviour in a Korean app to have intellisense from just an intial character - it seems to usually be done with a full Jamo. However, I see no reason why you shouldn't do it - so lets do it.
首先,您错过了双缩写。这些与单打不同,因为它们确实需要不同的按键(通常是shift +字符)。无论如何,您的姓名缩写列表应为:
Firstly, you missed the double initials. These are different from the singles, as they do require a different key press (usually shift+character). Anyhow, your list of initials should be:
The first thing you need to do when an initial is typed in is to get the range of characters that start with that particular initial.
通过查看Windows字符映射,我可以看到第一个字母Ka(가)在Unicode点 0xAC00
(或十进制, 44032
),因此要获取任何范围,都必须将此值添加到我们进行的任何计算中。因此,您应该有一个名为 FirstLetter
的常数,或它的值应为 44032
By looking at the Windows Character Map, I one can see that the first letter, Ka (가) is at Unicode point 0xAC00
(or decimal, 44032
), so to get any range, this value will have to be added to any calculation we do. So you should have a constant called FirstLetter
or whatever, and its value should be 44032
까是 0xAE4C
(或十进制 44620
),因此我们现在有一个乘数(即,以任何特定首字母开头的字符数-所有首字母均相同,因此为 44620-44032
即 588
까 is at 0xAE4C
(or decimal 44620
), so we now have a multiplier (i.e. the number of characters beginning with any particular initial - which is the same for all initials, so that is 44620-44032
which is 588
We now have enough information to implement your intellisense. If you have the initialisms in an array, we can use the index of the typed character in that array to find the range of characters that start with it.
So if we start with ㄱ, we obviously want to return everything from 가 to 깋. All 588 of them. So ㄱ gives us a '0', so we have
startCodePoint = index * 588 + 44032
// = 0 * 588 + 44032 == 44032 == 가
endCodePoint = (index + 1) * 588 + 44032
// this will include 까
And then you can just check that a particular character starts with 'ㄱ' by checking
if(charcode >= startCodePoint && charcode < endCodePoint) { ... }
where charcode
is the first character of one of the items in your intellisense list.
Use a similar methodology to find out how to check that a character starts with say '가'. Everything is in order in Unicode, so this is a very simple task.
To get the initial letter of any character, you can use the above formula in reverse.
- 获取unicode第一个字符的值(例如각)
- 从该值中减去44032。
- 将该值除以588。
- 使用该值作为索引以从缩写列表中检索初始字符。
- Get the unicode value of the first character (e.g. 각)
- Subtract 44032 from this value.
- Divide this value by 588.
- Use that value as the index to retrieve the intial character from the list of initials.
String initials = "ㄱㄲㄴㄷㄸㄹㅁㅂㅃㅅㅆㅇㅈㅉㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ";
int value = character.codePointAt(0);
value = (value - 44032) / 588;
String initial = initials.substring(value, 1);