


We know 2 circle' x and y center position, and the radius is the same. I want to visually connect the circles without looping the draw ellipse for each point on the line what connect's the 2 circle's center.



int radius = 75;

int x1 = 100;
int y1 = 200;

int x2 = 300;
int y2 = 100;

g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, new Rectangle(x1 - radius / 2, y1 - radius / 2, radius, radius));
g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, new Rectangle(x2 - radius / 2, y2 - radius / 2, radius, radius));



As the other answers so far slightly miss the correct solution, here is one that connects two circles of equal size:

using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, radius)
 { EndCap = LineCap.Round, StartCap = LineCap.Round }  )
     g.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2);


  • 通常最好将图形对象的平滑模式设置为反别名。

  • Usually is is good idea to set the smoothing mode of the graphics object to anti-alias..

要连接两个不同大小的圆,将需要一些数学运算才能计算出四个外部。从中可以得到一个多边形来填充,或者,如果颜色的alpha值小于< ;,则可以创建一个 GraphicsPath 来填充。 1.

To connect two circles of different sizes will take some math to calculate the four outer tangent points. From these one can get a polygon to fill or, if necessary one could create a GraphicsPath to fill, in case the color has an alpha < 1.

Jimi的评论指向使用GDI +转换功能的另一种解决方案。

Jimi's comments point to a different solution that make use of GDI+ transformation capabilities.


Some of the answers or comments refer to the desired shape as an oval. While this ok in common speech, here, especially when geometry books are mentioned, this is wrong, as an oval will not have any straight lines.

就像Jimi注意,您所说的 radius 实际上是圆的直径。我在代码中输入了错误的术语,但您不应该

As Jimi noted, what you call radius is really the diameter of the circles. I left the wrong term in the code but you should not!


08-26 06:27