尝试为 iPad 制作基于故事板的应用程序.在其中,我需要从开始屏幕 (UIViewController) 过渡到主屏幕 (UISplitViewController),然后再到全屏视图(再次是 UIViewController).
Trying to make storyboard based application for iPad. In it I need to transition from start screen (UIViewController) to main screen (UISplitViewController) and then to full-screen view (again UIViewController).
我在网络上看到了许多讨论(至少有几个 - 在 stackoverflow 上),指出 UISplitViewController 除了作为 RootViewController 之外,不能以任何其他方式用于基于 Storyboard 的应用程序.一些线程包含变通方法,还有替代 splitview (https://github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController)解决这个问题.
I saw a number of discussions on the web (at least several - on stackoverflow), stating that UISplitViewController can't be used in Storyboard based application any other way than being RootViewController. Some threads contain workarounds and there's also alternative splitview (https://github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController) to cope with this.
但我无法理解的是,为什么 Apple 文档中的说法恰恰相反.这是 链接 到 Apple 的 iOS 5.0 库中的章节.它指出:
But what I can't understand is why Apple documentation states quite the opposite. Here is the link to the chapter from Apple's iOS 5.0 Library. It states:
To add a split view controller to your application’s storyboard:
- 打开应用的主故事板.
- 从库中拖出一个拆分视图控制器.这也会创建视图控制器用于拆分视图控制器的两个窗格.
- 对于每个拆分视图控制器包含的视图控制器,使用身份检查器设置视图控制器的类名.
To present the split view interface, do one of the following:
- 将其显示为第一个场景,通过选择场景并检查属性检查器下的是初始视图控制器"框.
- 从另一个场景中显示它,向它添加一个模态转场.
- 通过调用 performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: 方法来启动模态转场,以编程方式显示它.
我尝试了很多方法,但最后两个语句中描述的方法从未奏效.modal segue 和 performSegue... 都失败,出现众所周知的错误:
I was trying it in many ways, but approaches described in last two statements never worked.Both modal segue and performSegue... fail with well-known error:
*** 由于未捕获的异常NSInvalidArgumentException"而终止应用程序,原因:应用程序试图以模态方式呈现拆分视图控制器......"
谁能解释一下?这是 XCODE/iOS 5.0 中的错误还是文档中的错误?
Anyone able to explain that? Is this a bug in XCODE/iOS 5.0 or bug in documentation?
根据此 Apple 文章,拆分视图控制器必须是根.这是一个片段:
According to this Apple article, the split view controller must be the root. Here is a snippet:
拆分视图控制器必须始终是您创建的任何界面的根.换句话说,您必须始终将 UISplitViewController 对象中的视图安装为应用程序窗口的根视图.拆分视图界面的窗格可能包含导航控制器、选项卡栏控制器或实现界面所需的任何其他类型的视图控制器.拆分视图控制器不能以模态呈现.
这篇关于故事板、UIViewController 和 UISplitViewController的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!